Java The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition

(Greg DeLong) #1
BufferedInputStream class, 287, 569–571
BufferedOutputStream class, 287, 569, 571
BufferedReader class, 287, 289, 290–291,
BufferedWriter class, 287, 585
Buffering, double, 759–762
Button class, 704
extending, 749–750
ButtonGroup class, 889
ButtonModel interface, 861, 883
Buttons, Swing, 883–891
ButtonUI, 861
Byte class, 265, 390, 396, 397
methods defined by, table of, 391
byte data type, 33, 34, 35, 40
ByteArrayInputStream class, 287, 567–568
ByteArrayOutputStream class, 287,
ByteBuffer class, 817, 819, 821
get( ) and put( ) methods, table of, 817
Bytecode, 9–10, 12, 13, 14, 22, 314, 422
byteValue( ), 265, 386, 387, 388, 391, 392,
393, 395

history of, 4–5
and Java, 3, 5, 7, 10
C Programming Language, The(Kernighan and
Ritchie), 4
history of, 5–6
and Java, 3, 7, 10
C# and Java, 8
Caches, 630
Calendar class, 507, 508, 509–512, 516
constants, 511
methods defined by, table of, 509–510
Call-by-reference, 132, 133–134
Call-by-value, 132–133, 134
call( ), 804
Callable interface, 788, 804, 805
cancel( ), 522, 523
Canvas class, 664, 667
capacity( ), 378, 489, 816
capacityIncrement Vector data member, 488
CardLayout class, 664, 730–732
CaretEvent class, 881
Case sensitivity and Java, 22, 23, 30
case statement, 81–83, 84

Casts, 45–47, 48, 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322
and casting one instance of a generic class
into another, 348
and erasure, 349–350
using instanceof with, 300–302
catch block(s), 205, 207–211
displaying exception description within, 209
using multiple, 209–211
cbrt( ), 419
ceil( ), 420
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 10, 907–908
Channel(s), 815, 818
char data type, 33, 34, 37–38, 58
Character class, 265, 270, 398–402
methods, table of, 399–400, 401–402
support for 32-bit Unicode, 401–402
Character(s), 34, 37–38
changing case of, 375–376
classes (regular expressions), 827, 831
escape sequences, table of, 41
extraction from String objects, 365–366
literals, 40
supplemental, 401
Character.Subset class, 385, 400
Character.UnicodeBlock class, 385, 400
CharArrayReader class, 287, 582
CharArrayWriter class, 287, 582–583
charAt( ), 149–150, 365, 379, 433
CharBuffer class, 433, 817
CharSequence interface, 359, 381, 384, 433, 826
Charsets, 818–819
charValue( ), 265, 398
Check boxes, 620, 707–710
Swing, 887–889
checkAll( ), 763
Checkbox class, 707
extending, 750–751
CheckboxGroup class, 709–710
extending, 751–752
CheckboxMenuItem class, 737, 738
checked... methods, 476, 478
checkedCollection( ), 476, 478
checkedList( ), 476, 478
checkedMap( ), 476, 478
checkedSet( ), 476, 478
checkID( ), 762–763
Choice class, 711
extending, 752
Choice controls, 711–713
Class class, 273–274, 277, 278, 415–418, 833
methods, table of, 415–417

1000 Java: The Complete Reference

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