Java The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition

(Greg DeLong) #1
Component class, 618, 621, 623, 624, 626,
639, 650, 655, 664, 666, 667, 670, 702, 756,
862, 863, 874
componentAdded( ), 651
ComponentEvent class, 640, 642, 643
componentHidden( ), 651
ComponentListener interface, 650, 651
componentMoved( ), 651
componentRemoved( ), 651
componentResized( ), 651
Components, Swing, 862–863
class names for, table of, 862
heavyweight, 859
lightweight, 860, 879
painting, 873–878
componentShown( ), 651
ComponentUI, 861
concat( ), 373
Concurrency utilities, 14, 787–812
vs traditional multithreading and
synchronization, 812
Concurrent API, 787
packages, 788–789
Concurrent collection classes, 788, 808
Concurrent program, definition of, 787
ConcurrentHashMap class, 788, 808
ConcurrentLinkedQueue class, 788, 808
ConcurrentSkipListMap class, 808
ConcurrentSkipListSet class, 808
Condition class, 808
connect( ), 604
Console class, 556, 587–589
methods, table of, 588
console( ), 409, 587
const keyword, 32
Constants, 31
Constructor class, 274, 277, 278, 436, 833–834
Constructor(s), 110, 117–120
in class hierarchy, order of calling, 170–171
default, 110, 119
enumeration, 259–261
factory methods versus overloaded, 601
object parameters for, 131–132
overloading, 128–130
parameterized, 119–120
and super( ), 163–166, 170, 314
this( ) and overloaded, 312–314
Container class, 618, 664, 666–667, 702, 723,
862, 863, 875
ContainerEvent class, 640, 642–643
ContainerListener interface, 650, 651

Containers, Swing, 862, 863
lightweight versus heavyweight, 863
Containment hierarchy, 862, 863
contains( ), 376, 441, 442, 453, 489, 495
containsAll( ), 441, 442
Content pane, 863, 866, 867
default layout manager of JFrame, 867, 870
contentEquals( ), 376
Context switching, 254
rules for, 224–225
continue statement, 102–103
Control statements.SeeStatements, control
Controls, 701–723
fundamentals, 701–702
convert( ), 807
Convolution filters, 772, 777
Cookie class, 917, 919–920
methods, table of, 920
CookieHandler class, 612
CookieManager class, 612
CookiePolicy interface, 612
Cookies, example servlet using, 925–927
CookieStore interface, 612
copyOf( ), 458, 480–481
copyOfRange( ), 481
CopyOnWriteArrayList class, 788, 808
CopyOnWriteArraySet class, 808
cos( ), 418
cosh( ), 419
countDown( ), 795, 796
CountDownLatch class, 788, 795–796
countStackFrames( ), 423
createImage( ), 756, 765, 770
createLineBorder( ), 878
CropImageFilter class, 770–772
Currency class, 524–525
methods, table of, 525
currentThread( ), 226, 227, 423
currentTimeMillis( ), 409, 410–411
CyclicBarrier class, 788, 796–799

Data type(s)
casting, 46–47, 48
class as, 105, 107, 109, 110
conversion, automatic, 33, 45–46, 126–127
conversion into string representation,
364–365, 374–375
primitive, 33–34, 264–265, 320
promotion of, 35, 47–48

1002 Java: The Complete Reference

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