Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 395

least significant difference (LSD) test 242–3, 245
leaves of rice plant 183
legislation 37–8, 41–2
legume crops 323–4, 327
Lentz, Ralph 209
Leopold, Aldo 202, 204–5, 210–11, 303–4, 373,
less developed countries (LDC) 132–3
see also individual countries
Lewontin, Richard 374
life history strategy 122
life history taboos 150
linear trend analysis 104
linkages, community development 346–7, 354
linking social networks 239, 258–9
literacy levels, India 100, 101, 107, 112
litterfall 359
Liu clan 285–8
livelihood asset stocks 275
livestock farming
agroecosystems 120–2
biodiversity crisis 380–1
industrialization 202–3, 204–5
production costs 56–7, 61, 66, 69–72
rotational grazing 205–8
Switzerland 42
wildness role 374–5, 376
see also animals
Lobao, Linda M. 8, 263–73
local agroecosystems 171–2
see also agroecosystems
local groups
collective resource management 258–61
ecosystem management 147–8, 154–6
social capital 8
local resource mobilization 278–81, 346, 354
Loess Plateau, China 277, 285
longitudinal studies 189–90
love 305–6
Lovejoy, Arthur O. 294
low-toxicity integrated pest management 178–
LSD see least significant difference test
LSP see Land Stewardship Project
lucerne strips 323, 327
Luna, John Michael 318–32

Madagascar 150–1
management intensive rotational grazing 205–8,
management practices
agroecosystems 172–4, 175–6
conflicts 239
ecosystems 140–2, 144–9, 151–2, 154–8
see also individual management strategies
Mancini, Francesca 4, 97–116
manorial agriculture 129–30
manure 60, 68, 69, 207–8
see also compost
marginal communities 8–9, 98–116, 274–90
Martin, Calvin 298
Marxism 217–18, 223–5, 230

masculinity 219, 220
see also men
materialism 217–33
materialist ecofeminism 220–4, 227–8, 231
materials conservation 126
Mather, Cotton 372
maturity of NRM groups 234–56
maximum residue levels (MRL), pesticides 194
meadows 29
measurement of externalities 54
meat foods see animals; livestock farming
mediation, human-nature relations 220, 222–4,
medical assistance 111, 112–13
Mellor, Mary 6–7, 217–33
memory see social memory
conceptual problems 218, 229
NRM groups 242–9
patriarchal structures 220–1
social capital 237–8, 249–52
see also gender
Merchant, Carolyn 219–20
Mesoamerican agriculture 128, 172
methamidophos 84, 86
methane (CH 4 ) 27, 28, 65–6
method taboos 150
microbial pathogens 32–3, 57, 69–71
microfinance institutions 260
microorganisms in soil 67
Midwest, USA 201–13, 268–9, 345
migration of organisms 19–20
Minar, Dave and Florence 209
mixed farming systems 23
mixed gender groups, NRM 242–9, 251
mixing pesticides 109–10, 112
Mockbee, Samuel 305
modernism 297
modernization of agriculture 8, 131–2, 367–70
see also industrialized agriculture
Molinas, J.R. 236
Molyneux, M. 236
monetary values
agroecosystems 123
carbon sequestration 36–7
externalities 25–8, 43, 54
landscapes 33–4
wetlands 30
see also costs
monocultures 23, 319–21, 323–4
see also single-crop farming
Morris, William 301
Morse, R.A. 67
MRL see maximum residue levels
multi-functionality of agriculture 24–5, 43,
multi-level governance systems 145–6, 156
multi-purpose NRM programmes 255–6
multiple correspondence analysis 246–8
multiple regression method 104, 110
municipal water users 65
Murphy, H. 100, 103, 113
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