398 Agriculture and the Environment
rationality 293, 294, 297, 310
rats, pest management 188–9
RCCI see Rural Community College Initiative
reactive dependence 247–8
reactive impact, NRM groups 240, 249, 250
realization independence 246–8
reciprocity 250, 258
recreational services 30, 31, 64
red rice 187–8
redesign impact, NRM groups 240
reform process, policies 39–40
regenerative impact, NRM groups 240, 249,
regime shifts, ecosystems 143, 144
regression methods 104, 110
regulations 37–8, 259
relational social capital 235, 239, 243, 249–52
‘relaxing’ monocultures 320–1
relay intercropping 323–4
religion 297, 304, 315
renewable energy 169, 174
reporting pesticide poisonings 100–3, 105–8, 112,
reservoirs 62–3
resilience 140, 141–5, 155–6, 170
resource allocation externalities 54
resource concentration hypothesis 318, 321–2
resource and habitat taboos (RHTs) 149–50
resource management see management practices;
natural resource management
restoration, ecological 9–11, 293–386
returns on pesticide use 84–5
RHTs see resource and habitat taboos
Ribaudo, M.O. 63
agroecosystems 5–6, 120, 132–3
external costs 26
integrated pest management 178–92, 194–5,
Japan 29–30
System of Rice Intensification 365, 369
rice bugs 183
Richmond Wildlands Project 383
rivers 29
roadsides, USA 15, 16
Roch, Philippe 42
Rodale, J. I. and Robert 382
root systems 358–9
Rostand, Jean 21
rotation of crops 129–30, 188, 208, 375
rotational grazing 205–8, 210
Rowntree review see Astor and Rowntree review
Rupprecht, Mike and Jennifer 209, 211
rural communities
change generation 333–56
China 8–9, 274–90
Goldschmidt hypothesis 265, 267, 270–1
health costs 53
industrialized agriculture 202–4, 212
national policies 40–1, 42
post-industrial 10
wilderness protection 384–5
Rural Community College Initiative (RCCI)
Ruskin, John 301, 309
Russell, C.S. 64
S&S see signs and symptoms
Sacks, Oliver 302
safe use of pesticides (SUP) campaign 82, 87–8
salivation poisoning symptoms 105
Salleh, Ariel 221
salmon runs 380
Salmonella 31, 32
Samoa 149
Sanchez 10
sanctions 258
Save Our Cumberland Mountains (SOCM) 345
Savory, Allan 206–7
scale concept 264, 265–6
Schulman, Michael D. 263–73
Schweitzer, Albert 17
Schwenk, Theodor 300–1
science 294, 296–306, 374
scoring systems
household questionnaire surveys 279–80
pesticide poisoning study 103–4
seaside visits, UK 34
second-paradigm approaches 357–60, 362–3, 365,
secondary pests 67, 184
sedimentation 62–5
segment taboos 150
self, sense of 226–7
self-development model 350–4, 355
self-help models 132–3, 336–40, 343, 346, 348,
self-organization 9, 152–3, 154–6, 274
self-reporting procedures 100–2, 105, 112–
senses 302–3, 307–8
sequestered carbon 35–7, 66, 328
severity of pesticide poisonings 103–4, 107,
108–10, 112
sex see gender
sexism 220–1
see also patriarchal structures
Shaanxi province, China 274–90
sheath blight 185, 186
Shengtai Nongye 40
Shepard, Paul 20
Sherwood, Stephen 3–4, 82–96
shocks 124–5
sick days taken 111
sight/seeing 302–3
signs and symptoms (S&S), pesticide poisonings
103–4, 105–10, 113
single-crop farming 19
see also monocultures
sinks, carbon 36
small-scale disturbances 148
small-scale farming 88, 107, 113, 179, 363
Smith, Adam 294
snails, pest management 189