400 Agriculture and the Environment
Tennessee SOCM 345
Thailand 187
Thicke, Art 209
Thomas, M.B. 326
Thompson, D’Arcy 299
tillers, rice plants 183
Tilman, G. David 208, 211
time factor 16, 17
embodiment 222–3, 231
pesticide exposure 109, 111, 113
social value 123
Titus, J.G. 66
TOA see Trade-off Analysis
ToF see Training of Facilitators
tools, soil system management 365–6
toxicity of pesticides 82, 84, 87–8, 108–9, 113,
179, 193
tracer studies 90
Trade-off Analysis (TOA) method 89
trade-offs 75, 89, 127, 133–4
traditional agroecosystems 171–2, 174
see also agroecosystems
Training of Facilitators (ToF) 100
training schemes 87, 93, 98, 100, 195–6, 367
see also education; learning
transcendence 230–1
transformability 155, 158
see also change
transpersonal ecology 226
trap cropping 318–19, 323
tree diseases 19
tremor poisoning signs 105
trophic levels
agroecosystems 170
vegetational diversification 319
tropical regions 182–3, 192–7
trust 250, 258
tungro disease 185–6
Turner, B. 360
Turner, Neely 20
UK see United Kingdom
uncertainty 145–6, 149, 157
see also change
United Kingdom (UK)
agri-environmental schemes 33–4
agroecosystem analysis and development 133
eutrophication 31
external costs 26–8
foodborne illnesses 32–3
manorial agriculture 129–30
modernization of agriculture 131
production costs 55–6
United States of America (USA) 15–21
agri-environmental schemes 34
agroecosystems 133, 172
carbon sequestration 35–6
collective resource management 257
community change 333–56
environmental taxes 38
farms as natural habitat 201–13
foodborne illnesses 31–3
Goldschmidt hypothesis 263–73
modernization of agriculture 8, 132
policies 42
production costs 53–81
social-ecological systems 153
wetlands 28–9
‘wild’ farming 372–86
Uphoff, Norman 10, 357–71
urban environments 41, 308, 314, 341–2
US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 267,
USA see United States of America
USDA see US Department of Agriculture
use-taboos 150
use values 55
valuation 54–5
bird kills 68
navigation costs 64
pesticide costs 72
social value 123
see also monetary values
van den Berg, H. 183
van der Ploeg, Rienk 29
varietal diversity 185–6
Vaughan, W.J. 64
vegetable farming 178–9, 192–7, 284
vegetational diversification 318–32
venture capital funds 346
vermi-compost 366
vernacular design 297, 312
Vietnam 190
village surveys 277–9
visioning 338–40, 343, 355
Vitruvius 312, 313
von Liebig, Justus 360–1
vulnerable system resilience loss 140
Walters, C. 147
Wang’s vegetable production group 284
Ward, H. 156
biodiversity crisis 379–80
conveyance systems 63
ecological design 300–1
external costs 26–8
intensive food production effects 28–31
manure-spill fish kills 68
modern agriculture effects 131–2
resource damage 57–61, 72
sedimentation damage 62–5
soil system management 358
users’ groups 260
see also drinking water
waterborne soil erosion 61, 73–4
watershed management 256, 260
WED see Women, Environment and Development
weeds 187–8, 318, 322–3, 326
well-being 267–71
Westermann, Olaf 7, 234–56
Western agriculture 131–2
see also industrialized agriculture