Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1



AB see Agriculture Biologique
abdominal obesity 258, 263
above-ground biomass 218
absolute costs 377
accountability 442–5
ActionAid 155, 156
activity see physical activity
actual evapotranspiration (ETa) 216–17
Acuff, Dan S. 350
adaptation of technology 60–1, 63, 68–9
adaptive governance 120–4, 126–8
added-value products 329, 407–8, 411
administrative factors
settlement schemes 140–1, 145
urban agriculture 419
adoption of environmental practices 405–8,
‘adverse effect’ classification 160
advertising 314, 324, 331–4, 349, 351–2, 354–60
aerenchyma 91, 93
AFD see alternate flooding and drying
biodiversity 31
diet-related diseases 277, 282, 297
hunger 1
NIDDM 258, 264
resource-conserving agriculture 219
settlement schemes 137–68
soil erosion 28–31
see also individual countries
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP)
age factors
cancer 301
Chinese population growth 198–200
coronary heart disease 296–7
nutrition transition 243–8
agrienvironmental schemes 398
agri-food studies 386, 431–50
agricultural sustainability see sustainability
Agriculture Biologique (AB) 401, 403, 406–8
agroforestry 210
see also forests/forestry
aid agencies 149–6
air transport 386–7
AKRSP see Aga Khan Rural Support Programme

Ali, Syed Hashim 154
allotment produce 393
alternate flooding and drying (AFD) 107
alternate wetting and drying (AWD) 105, 107
see also intermittent irrigation
Ament, Don 348
analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests 406–8
analytical methods 126, 402–11
see also individual methods
analytical specialization 81
Andes region 31
Andhra Pradesh, India 37, 154
anger 183–4
anguish 186–7
animal feed 427
animal products see livestock farming
ANOVA see analysis of variance
anthropology 76, 80–2
AOC see Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée
apartment-style production 422
Appadurai, A. 82
ill-being 186
well-being 173–4
Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée (AOC) 398,
401–2, 404, 408–10
aquaculture 210
see also water ...
arable farming see crops
Argentina 179, 182–3, 186
Arvin, California 40
diets 236–8, 282–3
diseases 282–3
mega-cities 247
obesity patterns 259–60
pest resistance/resurgences 21–2
population density 196
resource-conserving agriculture 212, 219
System of Rice Intensification 88–115
see also individual countries
Asian-American obesity 248
asset indicators
ill-being 181
well-being 173
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