Index 453
choice, freedom of 176
Christoff, P. 434
chronic diseases 252–3, 265, 273, 315–16, 319,
cigarette companies 323, 325, 333, 349
see also smoking
‘Cinderella’ concepts 161–3
cities 246–8, 371
see also urban areas/urbanization
civil peace 175
CJD see Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease
climate change 119, 217–18, 386
see also global warming
closed cycle systems 236
clothing 173, 186
clubs for children 350–1
cluster analysis 405–6
CO 2 see carbon dioxide
Coca-Cola 355–60
Colardo Springs 355–6, 359–60
Cold War 345
coleoptiles 96
collective action 3
colonialism 141–2, 145, 153
‘command and control’ governance approach
commensal community 366–7
commercial farming 207
see also corporate farming
commitment to settlement schemes 137–68
commodity reconstruction 441–2
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 11, 398,
governance 6, 116–34
value of 35
communicable diseases 273, 274–6, 303–6
communication technologies 124
communist China 198
communities 69–70, 120, 174–5, 363–4, 366–7,
see also local communities; rural communities
Community-supported Agriculture (CSA) 366
Companioni, Nelso 415–30
competition 314, 323, 439–40
complex society governance 120–4
compliance 122–3, 124–6, 127–8
compost 101–2
see also manure
concentrated population growth 247–8
in future 176
lack of 183
conflicts 122
confusion in dietary advice 330–1
connections, political 81–5
conservation programmes
biodiversity 203–6
LEIT study 62–5
soil 26–31, 62–4, 428
water 26, 28, 62–4
see also resource-conserving agriculture
conservation tillage 210, 216, 219–20
see also zero-tillage systems
consumption of energy 18–20
consumption of food
child consumers 349–52, 354–5
China 191, 193–4
collective action 3
developing countries 209
energy consumption 20
foodsheds 363, 365–8
industry advocacy 337
livestock products 2
nutrition transition 242–3, 245, 251–2, 253–7
overabundance 320–1
politicization 5
population growth 7, 204
quality schemes 399, 412
social/cultural reconstruction 441–2
UK weekly food basket 381–5, 387–8
see also demand for food
contamination by agriculture 16–17
continuity of settlement schemes 137–8
contour farming 29–31
controversies see food scandals
convenience foods 329–30, 332
Conway, Lord 231–2
Cook, O.F. 231
cooking methods 230, 235
Coolidge, Calvin 345
Cornucopia Project 371
coronary heart disease (CHD) 253, 265, 294–7
corporate farming 9–10, 12, 41, 440, 442–5
see also businesses; commercial farming
corporate responsibility 442–5
cost-avoidance 378, 388–93
cost-effectiveness 161
diet-related diseases 291–5, 302, 305–6
eco-labelling 400
of improvement 15–58
irreversibility 158, 161
marketing food 328–9
settlement schemes 138–40, 142–4, 146–7,
soil erosion 26–8
transport of food 10–11
UK weekly food basket 375–97
cotton farming 213
Coveney, John 83
cover crops 62, 64, 65–7
creativity 149–56
Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD) 76–7
biodiversity loss 33–4
China 190–7
endangered species 203
environmental costs 378–81
livestock integration 428–9
productivity 8
resource-conserving agriculture 209–22
urban agriculture 415–30
whole diets 237–8