460 Agriculture and Food Systems
network groups 69, 441–2
new-product development 332–4
news stories 330–1
see also media influence
NFS see National Food Survey
NGOs see non-governmental organizations
Nguyen, Genevieve 11, 398–414
NIB see National Irrigation Board
NIDDM see non-insulin-dependent diabetes
Nigeria 170, 174, 175, 181–2, 185
nitrates 17
nitrogen 100, 103, 105, 107
Nixon, Richard 340–1, 345
non-communicable diseases 274–6, 290, 303
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 154–6
non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
(NIDDM) 241–2, 253, 258, 262–5, 301–2
non-renewable natural resources 158
North America 235–6
see also Canada; United States of America
Northbourne, Lord 236
Norway 77
NRM see natural resource management
nuclear power 346
nursery beds, rice 95–8
nutrient management 210
nutrition transition 1–2, 9, 240–69, 327, 336
diseases 270, 276–80, 289
factors underlying 243–53
see also diets
nutritional science 80, 315, 336–7
obesity 2, 9–10, 273–4, 283–9, 319–22
definition 283
nutrition transition 241–3, 248, 253, 257–66,
WHO report 272
ODS see ozone-depleting substances
OECD countries 284
see also individual countries
off-site costs of soil erosion 27–8
office self-provisioning 421
Official Sign of Quality (SOQ) 401–2, 403, 406–8
Official Sign of Quality of Transformed Food
(SOQT) 402, 403, 406–7
older people 175
see also age factors
Omran, A.R. 241–2
on-site costs of soil erosion 28
one-child-family policy, China 199–200
option value definition 159
organic farming
cost-avoidance 389–92
external costs 377–8, 380, 384–5
global food system 363
subsidies 388
organic matter 100–2, 218, 426
see also manure
organizational factors
settlement schemes 141
urban agriculture 418–27
organochlorine pesticides 22, 25
organophosphate pesticides 22, 25
organoponics 419–23
ornamental plants 424–5
Orr, D. 368, 373
Ostrom, Elinor 6, 116–33
Other Cahier ties Charges (CDC) 402, 403, 406–7,
‘oustees’, settlement schemes 148–9
output-level quality schemes 399
output ... see also energy outcomes
overabundance of food 319–23, 325, 327–9, 336
overnutrition 280–3, 289, 307, 315
overseas transport 386
overweight see obesity
oxidation 92–4
ozone-depleting substances (ODS) 117–8
Pacific Islands 264
packaged foods 324
Packard, Vance 349
pain 181
Pakistan 8
Palestine 147
‘paradox of plenty’ 336
commons governance 122
irreversibility 158–9
LEIT projects 69
quality labelling schemes 405–6
settlement schemes 151–2, 154
urban agriculture 415
participatory poverty assessments (PPAs) 154
participatory rural appraisal (PRA) 151
partnership continuity 155
pastoral farming 44–6
see also livestock farming
pathogens 303–6
patio agriculture 420–1
Patkar, Medha 149
of mind 184–5
quality of life 174–5
PEP Report 225
Pepsi 357
perishability of food 417
Perkerra Irrigation Scheme, Kenya 137, 140,
142–7, 150
personal continuity 139, 154–6, 162
personal foodsheds 372
personal security 175
Pertschuk, Michael 351
Peru 231
pest control 62–5, 67
see also integrated pest management; pesticides
pest resistance/resurgences 20–2, 35
pesticides 4
environmental and social costs 16, 17
external costs 377, 378
health impacts 22–6
in-row tillage 68
pest resurgences 20–2