Index 465
Urry, J. 85
US Aid Agency (USAID) 153, 156
US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 318,
321–2, 333, 335
USA see United States of America
USAID see US Aid Agency
USDA see US Department of Agriculture
Utopianism 140
Uzbekistan 174, 175, 176, 189
adaptive governance 121
food 2, 328–9
irreversibility concept 157–9
marketing food 328–9
quality labelling schemes 407–8, 411
wild biodiversity 35–6
van Ravenswaay, E.O. 400
Vandermeer, John 32
vCJD (variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease) 76–7
biodiversity loss 33
cancer reduction 301
Food Guide Pyramid 322
pesticides 17
urban agriculture 419–23
whole diets 227, 229–31
vertical integration systems 323
Vietnam 151, 174–5, 188–9
viruses 304–5
visceral adiposity see abdominal obesity
vitamin A deficiency 273
voluntary approaches to rule compliance 123
von Braun, Wernher 346
vulnerability 183
wage controls 345
see also labour
Walt Disney Company 341–8, 353–5
Wang, Y.L. 94
Wanless, Derek 294–5
want 180–1
warming see global warming
‘wasteland’ concept 35
disposal costs 387
whole diets 231, 237–9
conservation programmes 26, 28, 62–4
contamination by agriculture 16–17
harvesting systems 210
management systems 42, 95–6, 99–101, 106–7
scarcity 190, 192, 195, 197, 215–17
use-efficiency projects 215–17
vegetable cooking 230
see also irrigation systems
water productivity (WP) 216–17
watersheds 364
Watson, R.T. 205
WCD see World Commission on Dams
wealth 170–1, 177–8, 336
Web-site marketing 351
wedding ceremonies 174
weekly food basket, UK 375–97
well-being 7, 169, 170–8, 184–5, 189
see also health/health costs
Western world 306
see also higher-income countries; individual
wet rice cultivation 45
wheat 44–6, 229
WHO see World Health Organization
whole diets 225–39
wide-spaced rice planting 98–9, 106–7
wild biodiversity 7, 35–6, 205–8
winter cereal cultivation 27
convenience foods 329–30
ill-being 182
nutrition transition 248–53
social change 43, 47–8
well-being 171, 177
see also gender
working life 173, 248–53
see also employment; labour
World Bank 148–50, 211–12
World Commission on Dams (WCD) 149, 158
World Health Organization (WHO) 271–2,
275–6, 283, 291, 295–7, 301, 303–5
World Neighbours INGO 155
World Trade Organization (WTO) 412
World War II 345, 346
worry 183, 184
WP see water productivity
Wrench, Dr 225, 226–7, 229, 232
WTO see World Trade Organization
Xuan, S-N. 94
Yaqui Indians 41–3
resource-conserving agriculture 209–22
root activity impact 94–5, 106–7
see also high-yielding theory; productivity levels
Zambia 172–3, 177
zero-tillage systems 218, 219–20
see also conservation tillage
Zhao, J. 157, 158
Zilberman, D. 157, 158
Zimbabwe 29, 146, 147
Zimmet, P.Z. 263