464 Agriculture and Food Systems
Taiwan 191, 195
Takahashi, N. 96
Tanzania 44–6, 151, 152
taste of food 327–8
Taylor, Rod 352
teaching aids 358–9
TEAs see tradable environmental allowances
adaptation 60, 61, 63, 68–9
diffusion 60, 61, 67–8
external inputs 4–5, 59–74
infrastructure provision 123–4
irreversibility concept 157–8
livelihood strategies 47
McDonalds 341
nutrition transition 250–1
population growth 204
urban agriculture 416, 427
Walt Disney Company 345–6
yield growth 209–11, 213, 220
see also mechanization
television 351–2, 359
Terashima, K. 94
terracing programmes 28–31, 231–2
territorial justice 436–7
territorial-level quality schemes 399
Texas state 355–6
Thailand 22, 27–8, 36
Thiébaut, L. 399, 400
Thompson, E.P. 365
thresholds of irreversibility 159
Tikal National Park, Guatemala 125–6
tiller formation 97–8, 105
time poverty 182
Toai, Bui Dinh 151
tobacco 272, 315, 323, 325, 333, 349
see also smoking
Toke, D. 434
‘Tomorrowland’, Disneyland 345–6
toy giveaways 352–3
tradable environmental allowances (TEAs) 123
trade, global 369
Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS) 412
training 340, 427
transformations of substance and scale 76–7
transitions see change; nutrition transition
transnational food scandals 78–9
transparency 78–9
transplantation programmes 95–9, 105, 106–7
China 192
cost-avoidance 388–93
costs 10–11, 375–97
to home and landfill 387
to retail outlets 385–7
technologies 124
trematodes 304–5
Tripp, Robert 4, 59–74
TRIPS see Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights
Tristan da Cunha Island 235
tropical regions 137–68, 207
Trowell, H. 277, 297
trust 83–5, 354–5
Tsuno, Y. 94
TV see television
Uganda 152, 154
Uganda Participatory Poverty Assessment Process
(UPPAP) 154
UK see United Kingdom
uncertainty 121, 157
underemployment 195
undernourishment 273–4, 280–3, 307
unemployment 195
uneven development 436–7
uniformity of LEIT projects 71
United Kingdom (UK)
biodiversity loss 34
diabetes prevalence 302
energy consumption 19–20
fish populations 119
food poverty 306
health care expenditure 294–5
obesity rates 284
pesticide impact 23
politics of food 76–7, 79
rural development 437, 439–40, 444, 446
settlement schemes 149, 152–3, 155–6
social change 38–9
soil conservation 27–8
transport costs 11
weekly food basket costs 375–97
United States of America (USA)
biodiversity loss 33–4
China comparison 196
commons governance 116–34
corporate farming 9–10
energy consumption 18–20
fast-food chains 340–60
food poverty 306
foodborne diseases 305–6
foodsheds 363–74
health care expenditure 294
hunger 1
migration 199, 248
obesity rates 285–7
pesticide impact 23
politics of food 76, 77, 314–39
social change 40–1
soil conservation 28
UPPAP see Uganda Participatory Poverty
Assessment Process
uprooting rice seedlings 97
urban areas/urbanization 4, 12, 415–30
China 194–5
diabetes prevalence 302
foodshed analysis 371–2
key dimensions 246
modernization 15
nutrition transition 1, 243–53, 261, 277–9
quality of life 173, 176–7, 180–1
sociology of 431