Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

354 Enabling Policies and Institutions for Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems

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Countryside Agency. Tomorrow’s Countryside – 2020 Vision. UK Government, Cheltenham, UK, 2000
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Dobbs, T.L. ‘Profitability Comparisons: Are Emerging Results Conflicting or Are They Beginning to
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Dobbs. T.L., and L.M. Dumke. ‘Implications of “Freedom to Farm” for Crop System Diversity in the
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University, October 1999
Dobbs, T., and J. Pretty. ‘Future Directions for Joint Agricultural-Environmental Policies: Implications
of the United Kingdom Experience for Europe and the United States.’ Econ. Res. Rep. 2001–1,
South Dakota State University, and Centre for Env. and Society Occasional Pap. 2001–5, Univer-
sity of Essex, August 2001
Doran, J., and M. Werner. ‘Management and Soil Biology.’ Sustainable Agriculture in Temperate Zones.
C.A. Francis, C.B. Flora, and L.D. King, eds., pp205–30. Wiley, New York, 1990
Dumke, L.M., and T.L. Dobbs. ‘Historical Evolution of Crop Systems in Eastern South Dakota: Eco-
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Dwyer, J. ‘Summary of Seminar on the French Approach to Rural Development, 14 December 1999,
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Dwyer, J., D. Baldock, and S. Einschutz. Cross-compliance and the Common Agricultural Policy. A
Report by the Institute for European Environmental Policy to the Department of the Environ-
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Ervin, D.E. ‘Toward GATT-proofing Environmental Programmes for Agriculture.’ J. World Trade
33(1999): 63–82
Food and Agricultural Organization. The Multifunctional Character of Land. Rome, 1999
Heimlich, R.E., and R. Claassen. ‘Conservation Choices for a New Millennium.’ Choices 14(1999):
Hellerstein, D. et al. Farmland Protection: The Role of Public Preferences for Rural Amenities. ERS Agr.
Econ. Rep. 815, US Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, November 2002
Hutchinson, W.G. ‘Environmental Benefits of Agriculture: Evaluation Methods to Measure and Mon-
itor Change.’ Environmental Benefits from Agriculture: Issues and Policies (Helsinki Seminar),
pp66–76. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, 1997
Latacz-Lohmann, U., and I. Hodge. ‘“Multifunctionality” and “Free Trade”: Conflict or Harmony?’
EuroChoices Premier Issue (2001): 42–7
Lord, E.I., P.A. Johnson, and J.R. Archer. ‘Nitrate Sensitive Areas: A Study of Large Scale Control of
Nitrate Loss in England.’ Soil Use Manage. 15(1999): 201–7

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