Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1



A–B cleavage 25–6
acceptance 75, 77
access to
communications 241
services 192
Achebe, - 422
ACIAR see Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research
Ackoff, R.L. 37, 40
action learning 290–9
action research 69, 83, 87
action-structure relationship 145
action systems 115, 119–22
activism in social sciences 420–1
actor-networks 140, 146, 150–1, 314–15
actors in participation 160–3
adaptive management 35, 39–40, 45, 207–
adaptive response to change 304
additionality concept 348
Adelson, - 397, 417–18
adoption of technologies 219, 255, 261–
see also technologies
adult education 184–93, 217
see also education
advertising 220
advisory communication 217–18, 226, 227–8
Africa 11–12, 109, 111, 119, 356–90
see also individual countries
agency 137–40, 148–9, 151–2, 162, 166
agenda-setting 158–9
agricultural extension definition 219, 232
see also extension
Agricultural Knowledge and Information System
(AKIS) 231, 317
agricultural knowledge systems 231–4
see also knowledge
agricultural sustainability
definitions 5, 52–67, 307–8
recent impacts 109–10
spread of 1–2
see also sustainability
Agriculture Act 1947 338
agri-environmental schemes 11, 337–55
Agritex, Zimbabwe 377–8

diversity 358–9
education 9–10, 290–9
agroecosystems 306, 317
agroforestry 111
see also forestry
agronomy 52
Aguaruna people 210
Ahl, V. 44
AKIS see Agricultural Knowledge and Information
Allen, Patricia 57–8
Allen, T.F.H. 44
alley cropping 111
alternative futures 396–8, 418–22
America see Latin America; North America; South
America; United States of America
analytical methods 94–5, 105, 240
see also individual methods
Anderson, B. 152
Andhra Pradesh, India 330, 333–94
application efficiency, nutrients 363
Arable Area Payments 345–6
Argyris, C. 126, 293
Asia 109, 119, 236–60
see also individual countries
Asopa, V.N. 71, 73
associations, labour 331
attitudes 105
Auel, Jean 152–3
Australia 122, 261–2, 264
Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research (ACIAR) 262, 264, 269–70
authenticity of participatory methods 123
authority 36, 158–9, 166
autonomy 166
axioms 170–1
Bailey, A.P. 343
Bangladesh 7, 184–93, 332
banking industry 282
‘banner’ approach 57–8
Barangay Ned Landcare Programme 262, 264,
barbarization scenario 416
Barzman, Marco 7, 184–93
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