Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 431

Bawden, Richard 4–5, 34–51, 54–5
Bebbington, A. 96
belief index 240–1, 246–8, 250, 252–4
see also faith
Belshaw, C. 43
benefits analysis
insecticide use reduction 248
production sustainability 60–1
rice-based systems 188–90
see also positive externalities
benefit sharing 195, 208–11, 333
Benjamin, Patricia 12, 393–425
Bentham, Jeremy 59–60
Berhampur village 208
Berkes, F. 43, 47
Berry, Wendell 9, 281–9
‘best technical means’ goal 311–12
Bevan, Digby 84
Bhutan 1
bioclimatic zones, India 196, 197
biodiversity 8, 194–213, 339, 342, 344,
biological systems 37, 38
biomass 202
biotas 22, 24, 26
biotic community 17, 20–5, 27, 34–5, 43
birds 20
Bithu, B.D. 83
blueprint research 86, 102
Blueprint for Survival (Goldsmith) 402–3
Bohm, David 46, 314
Bohr, Niels 314
Bolivia 103–4
bonding social capital 266, 277
Bortoft, H. 46
Bottrall, Anthony 84
Boud, D. 291
Boulding, Elise 396, 397–8
Boulding, Kenneth E. 39, 400
authority 159
systems thinking 42–3, 54
Brazil 2
bridging social capital 266, 277–8
Bromley, D.W. 345
Brouwer, Henk 165–6
Brown, Lester 405–11, 414
Bunch, R. 112
bunds 328, 329–30
bureaucracies 93, 97–9
Burke, Edmund 61

CADA see Command Area Development
Caldwell, - 397
California state 287–8
Campbell, A. 261
Campbell, Mora 65–6
canal irrigation 5–6, 69–89
cane-lands 17
Canon, W.B. 38
CAP see Common Agricultural Policy

capacity-building 226, 230
capital 161, 276, 362–5, 383–4
see also financial capital; human capital; natural
capital; social capital
CARE-Bangladesh 7, 184–93
Carlos, M. 152
Cartesian paradigm see positivism
CDR see complex, diverse and risk-prone
food systems 287–8
institutions 98, 99
rural economies 282–3, 287–8
soil-fertility management 388–9
chaks 74–9
Chambers, Robert 5–6, 69–89, 93–107
ecological 194–5
institutional 93–107
land pyramid 23
pest management approaches 236–60
responses to 304–6, 307
sustainable futures 394–6, 414
see also transformations; transitions
change agents 223, 224
Checkland, Peter B. 40, 44, 316, 317
chemical alternatives 30, 32–3
Chilika lagoon 208–9
China 2
choice 95–6
Claassen, R. 348–9
Clark, - 405–11, 414
Clark University group 401
Claveria Land Care Association (CLCA) 263
climate change 303–4
climate zones, India 196, 197
clover 30, 31–2
Club of Rome global models 402, 403
CMDT area 372–4, 376–7
Coates, - 418
Cobb, D. 343
co-evolution 142, 164
cognitive authoritarianism 36
cognitive systems 5, 37, 41–8
collective action 190
collective analysis 120
collective memory 136, 137
colonialism 289
co-management 205, 207–11
Command Area Development Authority (CADA)
70–1, 82, 85
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 337–8,
343–6, 350
commons soil management 379–80
broadening forms 421–4
functions 225
innovation 217–35
media 236–60
services and strategies 224–31
Communication and Innovation Studies 232–3
communicative rationality 313
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