192 Early Agriculture
95 Barton, 1929: 3 ff. Thureau-Dangin, 1907: 3 and passim. For epigraphic references to the temples
of Babylonia and Assyria see Meissner, 1920–1925, I: 303 ff.; and Luckenbill, 1925–1927: pas-
96 Price, 1927: 24; cf. Thureau-Dangin, 1907: 111, and Barton, 1929: 225. Schneider (1920: 46)
and Deimel (1931: 101 ff.) deplore the scarcity of concrete data concerning the Sumerian con-
struction industry.
97 Thus in one of the oldest inscriptions of Egypt extant, the Palermo Stone (Breasted, 1927, I:
98 Breasted, 1927, I: 186, 244, 336; II: 64, 72, 245, 311, 318; III: 96 ff.; IV: 116 ff., 179 ff. and
99 ‘I have commanded those who work, to do according as thou shalt exact’ (Breasted, 1927, I: 245).
The ‘people’ bring the stone for the Amon Temple; and the ‘people’ also do the building. Among
the workmen are several types of artisans (ibid., II: 294, 293).
100 Ramirez, 1944: 39.
101 Tezozomoc, 1944: 79 (the Temple of Huitzilopochtli) and 157 (the great Cu edifice of the same
102 Ixtlilxochitl, 1891–1892, II: 184.
103 Ixtlilxochitl, 1891–1892, II: 173 ff. The Annals of Cuauhtitlan also refer to this construction
(Chimalpópoca, 1945: 52), without, however, discussing the labour aspect.
104 Chimalpópoca, 1945: 49.
105 Ibid.: 52.
106 Cieza, 1943: 150 ff.
107 Ibid.: 241. Cf. Garcilaso, 1945, I: 245, 257 ff.
108 Cf. Bengtson, 1950: 38.
109 For another peculiarity of hydraulic architecture, the ‘introvert’ character of most of the residen-
tial buildings, with the exception of those of the ruler, see Wittfogel, 1957: 86, n. b.
110 Glotz, 1926: 152, cf. 267.
111 Kulischer, 1928–1929, I: 224.
112 Sombart, 1919, II: 792. Cf. Cole, 1939, II: 458 ff.
113 Cf., for Ottoman Turkey, Anhegger, 1943: 5, 8 ff., 22 ff., 123 ff., 126 ff.
114 Boulais, 1924: 728.
115 Pant, 1930: 70.
116 Social science is indebted to James Burnham for pointing to the power potential inherent in
managerial control. The present inquiry stresses the importance of the general (political) organizer
as compared not only to the technical specialist (see Veblen, 1945: 441 ff.), but also to the eco-
nomic manager. This, however, does not diminish the author’s appreciation of the contribution
made by Burnham through his concept of managerial leadership.
Anhegger R. 1943. Beitraege zur Geschichte des Begbaus im osmanischen Reich, I. Istanbul
Appadorai A. 1936. Economic Conditions in Southern India (1000–1500 AD). 2 volumes. Madras
University Historical Series, 12 and 12-bis. Madras
Armillas, P. 1944. Revista Mexicana de estudios anthropologicos. Sociedad Mexicana de Anthropologia
VI(3), September 1942–December 1944. Mexico City
Arthaçāstra. 1923. Kautilya’s Arthaçāstra. Trans. R. Shamasastry. 2nd edn. Mysore
Arthaçāstra. 1926. Das Altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben des Arthaçāstra des Kautilya, trans.
Johann Jakob Meyer. Leipzig