Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Making Soil and Water Conservation Sustainable 399

Devavaram, J. 1994. Paraikulum watershed, Tamil Nadu, Paper for IIED Conference: New Horizons:
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Evenari, M., Shana, L. and Tadmore, N. 1971. The Negev, Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
FAO, 1992. The Keita Integrated Development Project, FAO, Rome.
Fernandez, A. 1993. The Interventions of a Voluntary Agency in the Process and Growth of People’s Institu-
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Fernandez, A. 1994. The Myrada experience: Towards a sustainable impact analysis in participatory
micro-watershed management. Paper for IIED Conference: New Horizons: The Economic, Social
and Environmental Impacts of Participatory Watershed Development, November, Bangalore, IIED,
Finsterbusch, K. and Wicklen, W. A. V. 1989. ‘Beneficiary participation in development projects: Empir-
ical tests of popular theories’, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 37 (3), 573–593.
Fish, S. K. and Paul, R. 1992. ‘Prehistoric landscapes of the Sonoran desert Hohokam’, Population and
Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 13 (4), 1–9.
Freitas, H. V. de 1994. EPAGRI in Santa Catarina, Brazil: The micro-catchment approach, Paper for
IIED Conference: New Horizons: The Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Participatory
Watershed Development, November, Bangalore, IIED, London.
Fujisaka, S. 1991. Thirteen reasons why farmers do not adopt innovations intended to improve the
sustainability of agriculture, in Evaluation for Sustainable Land Management in the Developing
Wo rl d. Vol. 2. Technical Papers. IBSRAM, Thailand. IBSRAM Proceedings, 12 (2), 509–522.
Gichuki, F. N. 1991. Conservation Profile, in Environmental Change and Dryland Management in
Machakos District, Kenya 1930–90. ODI Working Paper 56, ODI, London.
Griffin, E. and Dennis, H. 1969. ‘A Mexican corporate campaign in conservation’, The Professional
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GTZ. 1992. The Spark has Jumped the Gap, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
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Guijt, I. 1991. Perspectives on Participation. An Inventory of Institutions in Africa, IIED, London.
Haagsma, B. 1990. Erosion and Conservation on Santao Antao. No Shortcuts to Simple Answers, Working
Document 2, Santao Antao Rural Development Project, Republic of Cape Verde.
Habermas, J. 1987. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Hall, A. R. 1949. ‘Terracing in the southern Piedmont’, Agricultural History, 23, 96–109.
Hart, R. A. 1992. Children’s Participation: From Tokenism to Citizenship, UNICEF Innocenti Essays
No. 4, UNICEF, Florence.
Harvey, D. 1989. The Condition of Postmodernity, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
Hinchcliffe, F., Guijt, I., Pretty, J. N. and Shah, P. 1995. New Horizons: The Economic, Social and
Environmental Impacts of Participatory Watershed Development, Gatekeeper Series SA 50, IIED,
Hudson, N. 1991. A Study of the Reasons for Success or Failure of Soil Conservation Projects, FAO Soils
Bulletin 64, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
Hunegnaw, T. 1987. Technical Evaluation of Soil Conservation Measures in Embu District, Kenya, Report
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Huxley, E. 1960. A New Earth. An Experiment in Colonialism, Chatto & Windus, London.
IDS/IIED, 1994. PRA and PM&E Annotated Bibliography, IDS, Sussex, and IIED, London.
IFAD, 1992. Soil and Water Conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa, IFAD, Rome.

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