Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB) consortium
340, 345–65
Amazon Basin benchmark sites 349
Amazonian language preservation 148
The Americas 93–4
see also Central America; Meso-America; North
America; South America; United States
ancient China 208–17
Andean area 179, 349
Andrew, Mary Adele 75–6
Angola 478, 484, 491
animal systems/farming 83–5, 223, 406, 412–13,
416–17, 424–5
see also breeding programmes; individual
animals; livestock; pastoral farming
Annals of Agriculture 265–6
annual cycles see seasonal cycle
anthropogenic landscapes 144
anthropology 51–2, 54, 90–2
appropriation 316–18, 321–2, 330
see also land appropriation; procurement
aquaculture see fish/fisheries/fishing
aqueducts 174–5, 182–3
arable farming see crops; plant foods; vegetable
Arakcheev, Alexei 309, 310
architecture 183–5, 309–10
Arctic region 32, 111
Argentina 300, 483
Aristotle 76
ARPAC see Agricultural Research Policy Advisory
artificial insemination 478–82
ASB see Alternatives to Slash and Burn
Ashini, Jena-Pierre 122–3
ASB benchmark sites 350–7
deforestation rates 339
Green Revolution 294, 296–305
hunter-gatherers 31, 34, 42, 44, 62–3
soil and water conservation 377, 380–1, 384,
see also individual countries
assimilation of language 139, 140
astronomy 173–4
Aborigines 46–7, 53, 76, 98, 148
see also Australia; indigenous peoples
above-ground plant studies 358–9, 414
absolutism 186, 308–9
abundance of resources 21
activity transition 119–28
see also sedentarization
human potential 149
technologies 258–89, 391–3
adaptationist approach 53, 58–9
administrative utopianism 308
adoption of innovations 260–1, 269–70, 305,
see also innovation
aestheticism 183–5
affluence 54–5
afforestation 435, 455–7, 465–71
see also forests
ASB benchmark sites 350–7
biotechnology 475–500
colonialism 76
deforestation rates 339
field-centred agriculture 406
hunter-gatherers 34, 42, 44, 49, 62, 94, 96
soil and water conservation 377, 379–80,
see also individual countries
Afton, Bethanie 233–57
age–knowledge loss correlation 145–6
Agenda 21, China 219
agricultural engineers 311
Agricultural Research Policy Advisory Committee
(ARPAC) 165
agricultural revolutions 8–11, 233–4, 258–89
agricultural society effects 119–20, 128
agriculture etymology 404–5
agro-ecological farming systems 7–8, 12–13,
208–21, 403–4, 423–74
agroforestry 343, 354–6, 405
see also forests
agrohydraulics see hydraulic agriculture
agronomic sustainability studies 347, 358–61
alcoholism 82, 108–9, 128
alley cropping systems 382