Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

520 Sustainable Agriculture and Food

colonialism 76
hunter-gatherers 23, 34, 42, 44, 46–7, 53, 63,
language preservation 148
soil and water conservation 388
authoritarian high modernism 315, 322–32
awareness, biotechnology 488–98
Aztecs 78, 79

Babel ‘curse’ 140–1
Bakewell, Robert 260, 262, 272, 275, 278–9, 281
band societies 45–6, 48, 53
see also foragers
Bantu people 18
Barac, Victor 65
barley 160–1, 238–9
Barnard, Alan 51, 63
bean crops 239–40
Beckett, John 233–57
behavioural ecology 58–9
Bell, Michael 13, 501–16
below-ground plant studies 359, 414
benchmark ASB sites 348, 349–57, 363
‘benefit of humanity’ argument 150
benefits analysis
eco-counties 449–50
eco-villages 438, 440–1
household ecosystems 427–8
Berreman, Gerald 66
best-bet alternatives 360–1
Bickerton, Derek 85
Biddell, Arthur 272–6, 278–9
Big Ag farming 502–3, 505, 513–14
bilingualism 145, 146
binary pairs see dichotomies
biocultural diversity 5–6, 136–7
biodiversity see biological diversity
biogas systems 13, 427, 429, 436, 439–40, 449
biological approaches 411–17
biological diversity 137–42, 149, 150–3, 339–40,
biomass 408
biosafety systems 477, 483–97
biotechnology 13, 404, 475–500
Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe (BTZ) 476,
495, 497, 500
Blank, Stephen C. 508
Board of Agriculture 268
Boas, Franz 52
Bodley, John 66
boiled drinking water 229
Bolsheviks 309–10, 317–21, 322, 325
books as extension resources 264–6
Borlaug, Norman 292, 293–4
borrowing culture 502–3
Boswell, James 262
Botswana 18, 28–9, 478, 484, 491
see also Kung Bushmen
bottom-up participatory processes 499
Boyd Eaton, S. 65
Brazil 339, 344–5, 349, 351–7, 388

bread grain see grain crops
breed management 249, 278–81
breeding programmes 478–82
eco-agriculture models 449
experiments 278–81
Green Revolution 292–4, 297, 301–2, 305
homestead gardens 425–7
see also animal systems/farming
Britain 258–89
see also England
Brody, Hugh 4, 73–106
BTZ see Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe
building activities see construction activities
bunds 384, 386, 389
Burch, Ernest Jr. 58
Burkina Faso 383–4, 388–90, 415
Burnum, Burnum 42
Bushmen 17–39, 87
Calder case 79–80
calendar making 173–4
calorific returns
Bushman food 21, 27–8, 29
cereal crops 290–1
field-centred agriculture 407
mongongo nuts 21
see also energy...
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers
41, 43, 49, 60–7
Cameroon 350, 351, 352–7
Campbell, Thomas 311–12, 313–14
camps, Bushmen 18–19, 23
Canada 79–82, 99, 107–35
canals 175–7, 182–3, 226–7
see also irrigation techniques
cancer 117
canopy-style homestead gardens 424
capacity-building 495–6
capital city construction 180–1, 182–5
capitalism 187, 311–12
carbon stocks 358, 364
caribou meat 113, 114, 116
Cartagena Biosafety Protocol 477, 488–9
cash crop prices 242
cassava 416–17
catchment ponds 415–16
Cato, Marcus Porcius 6–7, 197–207
cattle 200, 246–7
see also pastoral farming
CBD see Convention on Biological Diversity
Central America 391–2
see also Latin America
centralized industrial farming 311–13, 323,
centres of diversity 6, 160
cereal crops 290–307, 403–4
see also crops
CGIAR see Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research
Chagga people 170, 172, 177–8, 180
CHAGS see Conferences on Hunting and
Gathering Societies
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