526 Sustainable Agriculture and Food
Inuit people 73–5, 79–81, 87, 89–90, 99, 114–16
see also Eskimos; Innu people
Inuktitut language 87, 89
Iowa state, US 13, 501–16
IPM see integrated pest management
IR8 rice variety 297, 300, 301–2
Ireland 93
iron deficiency 112
IRRI see International Rice Research Institute
irrigation techniques 169, 182–3, 281–2, 304–5,
415–16, 445–6
see also hydraulic agriculture
Islamic architecture 184
isuma notion (Inuit) 89–90
Izmir Centre 161–2
Jackson, Wes 233–4
Japan 166, 222–9, 290, 292, 294, 305
Johnson, Samuel 261–2
Johnson, Sherman 313
journals 264–6
junk food 114, 116
see also store food
Jupiter (Roman god) 202
Kalahari desert 17, 49
Kelly, Robert L. 49, 58
Kenya 379–80, 382, 385–6, 388
Khoisan languages 88
Khomani San people 98–9
King, F.H. 8, 177, 222–9
kinship models 53
kitchen gardens 271
Kloppenburg, Jack 511–12
ASB consortium 345–6
experimentation 271
‘extinction of experience’ 144–5
integrated farming system 217–18
language/environment coevolution 142–4
loss 145–7
soil and water conservation 389–90
kolkhoz (collective farms) 315–16, 323–5
Korea 222–9
kultura 310
Kung Bushmen 17–39
kwashiorkor 27
collectivization 323–7
division of 168–73, 323–4
handtool experiments 282
heavy water works/industry 172–3
monoculture 410
power over 187
roads 180
Roman agriculture 198, 199–200
technology adoption 270
temples 181–2
see also employment; working life
labouring animals see animal systems/farming
Labrador Innu 107–35
land appropriation 75–6, 77, 317–18
see also appropriation
land claims 79–81, 98, 99
land connectivity 110–11
Land Decree, Russia 317, 320
land degradation see degraded lands
land husbandry 396–7
land preservation/restoration 148–9
land races 160
land tenancy systems 210
land use
intensification pathways 342–4
meta systems 352–7
tropical forests 340–5
landscapes 144, 407
language 83–91, 96, 99–100
biosafety participation 493, 500
environment link 142–4
loss 5, 140
preserving and restoring 148–9
resource for nature 136–55
society relationship 80–1
language shift 139
large-scale hydraulic operations 169–70, 177–82
Las Casas, Bartolomé de 77
Latin America
ASB benchmark sites 349–50, 352–7
deforestation rates 339, 344–5
Green Revolution 298, 300, 305
see also Central America; individual countries;
South America
crop systems 225
subsistence relationship 31–2
Leach, Edmund 91, 92
leadership 45, 171–3, 181, 185–7
see also management systems
leases 269
Lee, Richard B. 3–4, 17–39, 41–72
legal processes 79–81, 469, 494, 498
see also courts
legibility of high modernism 325, 330–1
legumes 227–8
leisure time 24–7, 30
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 308–9, 316–18, 320–1,
327, 329
Lesotho 383, 385, 388, 478, 484, 491
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 52, 53, 91, 92
Li Wenhua 7–8, 12–13, 208–21, 423–74
Liebig’s ‘Law of the Minimum’ 240
life expectancy of hunter-gatherers 23–4
linguistic diversity 137–42, 149, 150–3
see also language
linguistic ecologies 141–2
linguistically anthropogenic landscapes 144
links see ‘inextricable links’
Lisle, Edward 265
Liuminying eco-village 431, 438–41
livestock farming 278–81, 405–6
see also animal systems/farming; pastoral farming
local courts 244, 247–8, 252
local foods 126, 512–13