Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 527

local institutions 393–4
local practices
extinction of experience 144–5
maintenance failures 383–5
modernization effects 376
soil and water conservation 380, 389–90
Loess Plateau region, China 451
knowledge 145–7
languages 5, 140
see also extinction...
lowland farming 204–5
‘lowtech’ methods 403–4
Lu Shi Chun Qiu (Chinese text) 211
Lunacharsky, Anatoly 310
Lysenko, T.D. 165

Madagascar 416
Maffi, Luisa 5, 136–55
magazines 264–6
maintenance efficiency 224–5, 229
maintenance failures 383–5
maize crops 163, 292–3, 298–300
biotechnology 477, 479, 484, 491, 494, 499
soil and water conservation 383, 386, 388
Malinowski, Bronislaw 52
mammal hunting 30–1
see also hunting
‘Man the Hunter’ conference 53–4, 57
management systems 173, 181, 185–7, 469–71
see also leadership
manipulative participation 394–5
Manitoba, Canada 115–16
manorial courts 244, 247–8, 252
manure 227, 229, 272–3, 406
see also composting
marginal peoples 17, 140–1, 340–5
see also minority languages
marker-assisted selection 478–82
market economy effects 249
Marshall, William 262
martial law 320
Martini, M.L. 160–1
mathematics 174
Mauritius 477, 479, 485, 491
meadow agriculture 201
meaning in postmodernism 92
meat foods 23, 27–33, 74, 112–16
see also animal systems/farming
mechanization 410–12
see also equipment for farming; technologies
media 264–6, 500
medical services 109
Medieval Europe 174–6, 184–6
megadiversity countries 142–3
Mensius 210
mental health 118, 120, 124
mercantilist Europe 185–6
mercury poisoning 119
Meso-America 169–70, 175, 178, 179–82
Mesopotamia 169–70, 172, 174

meta–land-use systems 352–7
methane 358
mētis 10
ASB benchmark sites 350, 352–7
Green Revolution 292–5, 297–8, 301, 305
hydraulic agriculture 169–70, 178, 180,
soil and water conservation 386, 390
midland counties, England 234–57
migration effects 344–6
mill equipment 199
millets 225–6
‘mind’ 73–106
Ming Dynasty, China 209, 215–17
miniaturization 310
mining activities 185–6
minority languages 137–41
see also marginal peoples
mirs see village communities
mixed cropping 277
Mnyulwa, Doreen 13, 475–500
mobility 45, 108
modernism 308–11, 313, 315, 317, 321–32
modernization 1–3, 11–13, 375–81
molecular diagnostics/markers 478–82
Mongolian races 222, 229
see also Far East
mongongo nuts 21
monoculture 409–11
monologue of agriculture 502–3, 505, 510
monsoon effects 299
Montana Farming Corporation 312, 313
monumental style 183–4
moose-hunting 74
Morphy, Howard 65
Moseley, Rev. 272
Moser, Virginia 514
Moses, Thomas 273–4
mother-tongue speakers 138–9
mountain farming 197, 204–5
Mozambique 479, 485, 491
Mugwagwa, Julius 13, 475–500
Mukibat technique 416–17
mulberry 212–16, 448
Müller, Max 84
multi-channel fundraising 470
multi-component systems 212, 214
multi-dimensional cultivation 426
multidisciplinary approaches 345, 346
multi-functional agriculture 505
multilingualism 141–2
multi-planting systems 211
multiple cropping 277
music 82
mythology 46–7, 83, 85, 90–1, 202–3
Nambikwara people 91
Namibia 480, 485, 491
national biosafety frameworks (NBFs) 488
national conservation programmes 163–5
national institutions 363
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