Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

96 Agricultural Harm to the Environment

LEISA. 2003. Aprendiendo con las ECAs. LEISA: Revista de Agroecología Junio 19(1), 87
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Paredes M. 2001. We are like the fingers of the same hand: Peasants’ heterogeneity at the interface with
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Paz-y-Mino C, Bustamente G, Sanchez M E and Leone P E. 2002. Cytogenetic monitoring in a
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Pumisacho M and Sherwood S (eds). 2000. Herramientas de Aprendizaje para Facilitadores. Manejo
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Restrepo M, Munoz N, Day N E, Parra J E, de Romero L and Nguyen-Dinh X. 1990a. Prevalence of
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Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health 16, 232–238
Restrepo M, Munoz N, Day N, Parra J E, Hernandez C, Blettner M and Giraldo A. 1990b. Birth
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Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health 16, 239–246
Röling, N. 2000. Gateway to the global garden: Beta-gamma science for dealing with ecological ration-
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Sherwood, S, Crissman C and Cole D. 2002. Pesticide Exposure and Poisonings in the Northern Andes:
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Stoorvogel J J, Antle J M, Crissman C C and Bowen W. 2004. The tradeoff analysis model: Integrated
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Uphoff N, Esman M J and Krishna A. 1998. Reasons for Success: Learning From Instructive Experiences
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USEPA. 1992. Ethylene bisdithiocarbamates (EBDCs); Notice of intent to cancel and conclusion of
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van der Ploeg J D. 1994. Styles of farming: An introductory note on concepts and methodology. In
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