Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1



AAD see agroecosystem analysis and development
Abrams, David 302–3, 374
ACORN see Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now
acute pesticide poisoning 97–116
adaptive governance 139–65
administrative villages 277–9
advisory policy measures 37
affinity ecofeminism 219, 220
afforestation programmes 286
see also forests
Africa 149, 179, 189, 241, 363
age distribution, pesticide poisonings 104, 108,
Agrawal, B. 236–7
agri-environmental indicators 73–4
agri-environmental schemes 33–4
agricultural biodiversity 254, 318–32
agricultural development 126–33
Agriculture Act 1947 23, 131
agrobiodiversity see agricultural biodiversity
agroecology 119–212
applications 171–5
definition 171
engineering 40
farms as natural habitat 201–13
interdependent social-ecological systems 139–65
perspectives 167–71
agroecosystem analysis and development (AAD)
agroecosystems 4–6, 119–38, 166–77
definition 167–71
diversification 320
ecosystem comparison 173–5
future perspectives 175–6
properties 122–9, 131–4
as systems 119–22
agroforestry 255, 327
see also forests
air resource damage 58, 65–6
see also atmospheric pollution
Alinsky, Saul 341–2, 349
altruism 236, 238–9, 242–3, 245, 249–50
America see Central America; Latin America;
Mesoamerican agriculture; North America;
United States of America

ammonia 27
ammonium 60
anarchist feminism 219–20
Andes region 82–96, 154
Andhra Pradesh, India 4, 99–116
Andow, D. A. 319
ecological design 299–300
feeding operations 68, 69, 380–1
foodborne illnesses 32–3
see also livestock farming
anthropocentrism see human-centred approach
antibiotics 32–3, 69, 71
antimicrobials 32–3
apple plantations 283
architectural design 297, 301–3, 309, 312–14
Arizona state 376
Arvin, California 8, 270
Ashby, Jacqueline 234–56
Asia 5–6, 178–200, 241
see also China; India; Indonesia
asset-based approaches 274–5, 334, 351, 354–5
asset mapping 351
Association of Community Organizations for
Reform Now (ACORN) 342
Astor and Rowntree review 23
atmospheric pollution 27
see also air resource damage
autonomy of communities 336, 337
awareness interdependence 246–8
Back of the Yards, Chicago 342
Bacon, Francis 297, 307
bacterial inoculants 366
Bangladesh, India 149
Bardach, E. 153
Barnes, Donna 263, 265–6, 268–70
Barrera, V. 84
beauty 312–13
Bebbington, A. 154
Beck, Ulrich 221–2
beetle banks 322–3, 326, 327–8
beetle pests 321, 324
beneficial predators see predators
benefits analysis, biodiversity 208–10, 324–9
Benefits of Biodiversity report 208–10
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