Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

390 Agriculture and the Environment

commercial agriculture 363–4
see also corporate farming
commercial fisheries 64
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 131
common property resources 257–8, 261
common rules/norms/sanctions 258–60
change generation 333–56
collective resource management 261
Goldschmidt hypothesis 263–73
pest control 188–9, 190–2
rural China 274–90
social capital 6–9, 10, 217–88
see also marginal communities; rural
community development 354–5
definition 334–5
linkages 346–7, 354
models of 335–42
comparative production-type studies 74–5
complex adaptive systems 143–6
complex societies 296
compost 366
see also manure
concentrated animal feedlot operations (CAFO)
conflict model of community development 341–2,
344–6, 348–9, 354–5
conflict resolution 237–9, 241, 245–6, 249–50
connectedness 8–9, 226–7, 230, 239, 258–9,
consensus in community development 336
conservation programmes
agroecosystems 126
Midwest, USA 201–13
vegetational diversification 322, 327–8
wilderness protection 372–3, 376, 383, 386
see also land conservation
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) 61
conservation tillage 35–6, 323–4, 365
constituency-building 210–11
Consumer Price Index 56
consumption externalities 54
control see pest control/management
conventional agroecosystems 174–5
see also agroecosystems
conversion process, agroecosystems 172–3
Conway, Gordon R. 4–5, 119–38
corn crops 201–4, 207, 380
corporate farming 211
see also commercial agriculture; industrialized
agriculture; large-scale farming
cosmology 226–7
cost-benefit analysis 340
cost-shifting 2, 22–3
21st century directions 368–9
biodiversity pest management 326
ecological design 308–9
eutrophication 30–1
food 1–4, 22–3, 75
foodborne illnesses 32, 69–71

inorganic inputs 364
internalization of costs 37–8, 75
multifunctional agriculture 25
pesticide poisonings 87
production in USA 53–81
see also environmental costs; externalities/
external costs
cotton farming 97–116, 323, 327
modern farming effects 131
visits in UK 34
see also nature; rural communities; wildlife/
credit access, NRM groups 244–5
Cretaceous Period 19
crisis management 154–5
Crissman, C.C. 85
critical realism 227
agroecosystems 120–2, 172–3
biodiversity benefits 326–7
biodiversity crisis 378–9, 380
Green Revolution 97, 132–3
NRM production programmes 255
production costs 56–7, 61, 66, 69, 72
rotation 129–30, 188, 208, 375
soil erosion 62–5
see also cereal crops; individual types; pesticides;
cross-scale social-ecological interactions 144–5
Crowder, B.M. 62–3
CRP see Conservation Reserve Program
Crutchfield, S.R. 60
Cryptosporidium 57, 69–70
Cuban national policies 39, 40–1, 42
cultural acceptability of agroecosystems 126
cybernetic systems 119–20
dairy farming 203, 207, 210
Daniel, Thomas 343–4
Darwin, Charles 299
data analysis, pesticide poisonings 104
deadhearts see stemborer insects
deaths, USA 15
deep ecology 217–18, 224–8
deep materialism 217–18, 221, 224–6, 228–31
defoliator insects 183–4
deforestation 285–6
see also forests
demand-oriented economic development 350–4
democratic community development 336–7, 342,
‘dependency on agriculture’ variables 268, 269–
DeRosier, Jaime 208
Descartes, René 297, 298
agroecosystems 5, 172–3, 175
ecological 9–11, 293–386
education 306–15
science 294, 296–306
detritus-feeding insects 182–3
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