392 Agriculture and the Environment
environmental gender relations 235–8
environmental taxes 38
equilibrium of agroecosystems 170–1
equitability 123, 126, 127–9, 133–4
erosion see soil erosion
ERS see Economic Research Service
ethics 6, 211–12, 217–33, 304
carbon sequestration 35
environmental taxes 38
Food and Agriculture Organization 99–100
foodborne illnesses 31, 32, 33
integrated policies 40
modernization of agriculture 131
organic farming 382
production costs 56
rivers 29
see also individual countries
eutrophication 30–1
existence value 55
expert assistance 343
exposure variables, pesticides 108–11, 113
extension activities 37, 191–2
external agencies 248–9
externalities/external costs 3
21st century directions 368
ecological design 309
monetary values 25–8, 43, 54
multifunctionality of agriculture 25
organic farming 34
policy issues 37–8, 39
USA production 53–81
see also costs
facilitator training 100
factory farming see industrialized agriculture
family farming 8, 263–4, 267–8
FAO see Food and Agriculture Organization
farm units
agroecosystems 166–7, 172–3
biodiversity benefits 327
as natural habitat 201–13
structure 265–71
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) 6, 91–3, 99–101,
191–2, 195–6
Farmer Innovation Circles (FIC) 274–90
farmers’ workshops 112
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
feedback loops, outcomes/inputs 24–5
feedlot farming 68, 69, 380–1
fellowship definition 334
FEMA see Federal Emergency Management Agency
femininity 219
see also women
feminism 6, 217–33
Fertile Crescent agriculture 128
fertilizers 125, 131, 190, 362–3, 366
see also soil fertility
FFS see Farmer Field Schools
fibre systems 378–9
FIC see Farmer Innovation Circles
field margin non-crop vegetation 323
financial capital 24, 86–7, 191, 326, 346–7
fire-based forest management 153
firm recruitment model 349–50, 355
first-paradigm approaches 357–8, 362, 368–9
fish/fisheries 64, 68, 69, 181, 380
Fisher’s exact test 242, 245
flexibility benefits 143, 146
flooding 29–30, 63–4, 181–2
Flora, C.B. 333–56
Flora, Jan L. 10, 333–56
Florida state 153
fluoroquinones 33
Folke, Carl 5, 139–65
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 99–100
Community IPM Programme 191
Inter-Country Programme 190, 195
food costs 1–4, 22–3, 75
Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) 70
foodborne illnesses 31–3, 69–71
forests 153, 255, 260, 285–6
see also agroforestry
forms, pesticide poisoning study 100–5
fossil fuels 35–6, 60, 166, 169, 295–6
Fox, W. 226
Freeman, A.M. 64
French, Dan and Muriel 201, 205
frequency distributions, NRM groups 242, 243–7
freshwater biodiversity crisis 379–80
Frisch, Karl von 299–300
FSIS see Food Safety and Inspection Service
functional ecosystem components 168, 171
functional social relations 239, 243
fungal inoculants 366
fungicides 84–5, 92, 186, 187, 190
futuring 343, 355
Gallagher, Kevin 5–6, 178–200
GAO see Grupo de Agricultura Organica
garden farming 41
differences 234–56
environmental ethics 217–33
pesticide poisonings 98–116
social capital 6–7, 234–56
generalist predators see predators
genetic modification (GM) 188, 322
genetics in soil system management 367
Germany 29
Giardia 57, 69
Gliessman, Stephen R. 5, 166–77
globalization effects 271, 363–4
glutinous rice 186
GM see genetic modification
‘goals’ of agroecosystems 122–3
Goethe, J.W. von 298–9
golden snails 189
Goldschmidt hypothesis 8, 263–73
golf course example 333–4, 336, 338, 340–1
Goodwin, Brian 299
Gould, David 383–4