Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 393

government action see policies
grain crops 276–7
see also individual types
Granovetter, M. 153
granular carbofuran 67
grasslands 209–10
see also livestock farming
green leafhoppers 184, 185
Green Revolution 83, 97, 132–3, 357
greenhouse gases 35–6, 65–6
groundwater damage 57, 60
group maturity, NRM 240–2, 246–50
Grupo de Agricultura Organica (GAO) 41
Gulf of Mexico, USA 30–1, 380
gullibility 310
Gunderson, L.H. 143
Gunn Allen, Patricia 231
Gurr, Geoff M. 9–10, 318–32

habitat losses 27
habitat taboos 149, 150
HACCP see Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Hardin, G. 257
Hartridge, Olivia 26
harvest mice 328
Haygarth, P. 360
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) 70
HCNs see household communication networks
headland diversification 322, 327
healing ‘arts’ 304, 313–15
health costs 22, 55
foodborne illnesses 31–3
inorganic inputs 364
monetary values 26
pathogens 58–9, 69–71
pesticides 27–8, 58–9, 71–2, 85–7, 89–93,
rural communities 53
water resource damage 57–61
herbicides 187–8, 322–3
HIC see household innovative capacity
agroecosystems 120–2, 124
biodiversity benefits 324–9
high-input farming systems 363
hired labour 264–5, 267, 269, 271
hog farming 202–3, 207–8
holistic approaches 206–7, 209, 225–8, 339–40,
see also wholeness
Holling, C.S. 146, 154
Holmes, T. 62
honeybee losses 67
hoop houses 207–8
household capacity see household innovative
household communication networks (HCNs)
household costs of foodborne illnesses

household innovative capacity (HIC) 9, 275–6,
278–81, 283
household questionnaire surveys 278–9
Howard, Albert 381
human capital
agroecosystems 126, 168–70
definition 24–5
interdependent systems 139, 143
production costs 73
human-centred approach 225, 227
human health see health costs
human-nature relations 217–18, 227, 373–4
deep materialism 225, 229
ecological design 307
mediation 220, 222–4, 230–1
humanity, definition 218
hunger in 21st century 368
hunter-gathering 128
hunting spiders 184
IBP meat packers 347
ICRISAT study 360, 362
idealism 224–7
IESWTR see Interim Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule
illnesses see disease; poisonings
Imhoff, Dan 11
immanent materialism 220, 227–8, 230–1
in-stream costs of soil damage 64
incentive-based resource management 259
India 4, 39, 97–116, 149, 369
indigenous agroecosystems 171–2
see also agroecosystems
indirect valuation methods 54–5
Indonesia 132–3, 179–80, 182, 184, 190–1,
industrial design 294–5, 307, 309, 312
industrial recruitment 340–1, 349–50
industrial water users 65
industrialized agriculture
agroecosystems 166
biodiversity crisis 377–81
biological pest control 320, 322–3
Carchi, Ecuador 83
cheap food 1–2
foodborne illnesses 31–3
HACCP rule costs 70
Midwest, USA 202–5, 211–12
production systems 22–3, 53–81
soil system management 363–4
wildness relationship 11, 375–6
see also large-scale farming; modernization of
agriculture; Western agriculture
inequalities 220, 295
informed intervention 194–5
INIAP (National Institute of Agricultural Research
from Ecuador) 82, 88, 91
innovation 8–9, 240, 274–90
see also technologies
inoculants 366
inorganic soil inputs 362–4, 366
see also chemicals
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