Android Programming Tutorials

(Romina) #1
Now Your Friends Seem Animated

private void toggleStatusEntry() {
if (statusRow.getVisibility()==View.VISIBLE) {
else {

You will also need to add imports for android.view.animation.Animation and


At this point, you can rebuild and reinstall Patchy, and you will see your

status entry area fade out when you hide it, then fade back in when you

show it again.

Extra Credit...............................................................................................

Here are some things you can try beyond those step-by-step instructions:

  • Have the status entry widget slide out rather than fade out, either
    sliding out to the top or sliding out to one side.

  • Use an AnimationSet to have the widget both fade and slide.

Further Reading........................................................................................

So-called "tweened" animations, such as the AlphaAnimation used in this

chapter, are covered in the "Animating Widgets" chapter of The Busy

Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development. This includes coverage

of other types of tweened animations (slides, spins, etc.), how to apply

several animations in parallel or sequence, etc.

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