The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

with smaller pieces of chicken—a single breast half, split
horizontally to yield two 3- to 4-ounce portions, is the
ideal size for a sandwich—and pair it with just the right
type of butter-toasted soft bun and pickle.
The bun is your typical hamburger bun. Soft and
slightly sweet, with a fluffy Wonder Bread–like texture. It
measures in at around 4½ inches in diameter, which puts
it right in the range of Arnold Hamburger Rolls (sold
under the name Oroweat west of the Rockies). Toasted in
a skillet in just a bit of melted butter, it’s a perfect taste-
alike to the Chick-fil-A buns.
As for the pickles, I tried a few different brands of
crinkle-cut dill chips. Heinz had the right flavor, but the
chips were too small—I could’ve added a few extras, I
suppose, but I feel like the two-pickle-per-sandwich rule
that Chik-fil-A has laid out is a wise and unbreakable law.
Instead, I turned to Vlasic Ovals Hamburger Dill Chips,
which have a larger surface area and the same salty-
vinegary-garlicky flavor.

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