wheat, thickening milk with, 742
whole wheat versus refined white, 78
Fond, description of, 186
Fontina cheese
Danish, flavor of, and best uses for, 718–19
Italian, flavor of, and best uses for, 720–21
Food processor
about, 62–63
grinding meat with, 491–92, 492
pureeing soup with, 203
Food safety
bacterial danger zone, 388–89
handling raw poultry, 573, 574
refrigerated foods, 75
ServSafe rules, 388
USDA cooking guidelines, 360–62
Fourme D’Ambert cheese, flavor of, and best uses for, 718–
Fractals, about, 882
Freezer storage, 77
French Fries
adding vinegar to cooking water, 908, 908
best cooking methods, 906–8, 908
best potato variety for, 905
Crunchy Oven Fries, 914–15, 915, 916
the dreaded “hollow fry,” 907, 907
experiments with frying temperatures, 905–6, 906
freezing, after first frying stage, 909, 909
frying, without blanching, 909, 909
ideal thickness for, 905