slicing against the grain, 341
slow-twitch muscles in, 650–51
smoked, about, 494–95
defined, 485
Italian, best cooking methods, 536–38
Italian, Tender, with Rich Tomato Sauce, 536, 538–39,
538–41, 541
Pork, with Mushroom Cream Sauce, 542–43, 543
texture of, 537
Meat grinders
basic parts, 489, 489–90
bolt-mounted manual grinder, 490
buying, 490
clamp-mounted manual grinder, 490
how to grind meat in a, 491
keeping blades sharp, 488
stand-alone, 490
stand mixer attachments, 490
Meat Loaf
about, 525
All-American, 525, 531–32, 531–34
best cooking methods, 530
best meat mix for, 526–27
binders and extenders for, 527–29
defined, 485
flavorings for, 530
Leftover, Sandwich, 534, 534–35
Grilled or Pan-Roasted, with Yogurt, Mint, and Moroccan