The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

weight versus volume, 73
Meat. See also Beef; Lamb; Pork; Veal
adding to salads, 765
for Bolognese sauce, 727
braising sous-vide, effect on juiciness, 387
cathespin enzymes in, 385
chemical cures for, 494
chopping, by hand, 492, 492–93
cooked, pouring hot pan drippings over, 391
curing, methods for, 494–95
defrosting, 77
dehydration/fermentation process, 495
dry-cured, preparing, for chopped salads, 835
fast-twitch muscles in, 650
grinding, basic tips for, 488
grinding, in a food processor, 491–92, 492
grinding, in a meat grinder, 491
grinding methods, 486–87
grinding your own, benefits of, 485–86
ground, anatomy of, 497
ground, effect of salt and time on, 502
pounding, 875
preground, notes about, 486
raw, packaging for freezer, 77
raw, storing in refrigerator, 76
raw, testing for seasoning, 535
resting, after sous-vide cooking, 391
salting, science of, 497–98
salting versus brining, 358–60
for sausages, 495–96

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