The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

adding to simmering water, 99
applying to meat, science of, 497–98
dry-brining poultry with, 579–80
for marinades, 328
seasoning beef steaks with, 289–91, 290
seasoning meat loaf mix with, 529
seasoning sausage meat with, 496–97, 502
seasoning soups with, 204
solutions, versus brining, 358–60
storing, 80
types of, 81
volume and weight conversions, 9
Saltcellar, 65–66
“Salting out,” 578
Sandwiches. See also Burgers
Extra-Crunchy Fried Chicken, 876, 876–77, 877
Fried Fish, with Creamy Slaw and Tartar Sauce, 895, 896
grilled cheese, best cooking methods, 207, 207
Grilled Cheese, Extra-Cheesy, 207, 208–9
Leftover Meat Loaf, 534, 534–35
Santa Maria–Style Salsa, 348
Saponification, 857–58
Sardines, preparing, for chopped salads, 836
Saturated fat
about, 855–56
in common oils, 861
Sauces. See also Pan Sauces; Pasta Sauces; Salsa
Béarnaise, about, 321
Béarnaise, Foolproof, 322
Caramelized Apple, 659

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