The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1

dry-brining, 579–80
freezing, 574
heirloom breeds, 571
kosher, about, 571–72
preparing, for chopped salads, 835
raw, handling, 574
raw, rinsing, 573
raw, storing, 574
resting, before serving, 587
Roast, Stuffed Herb-Roasted, with Gravy: The Classic,
604, 605, 605–7, 608–9
Roasted Butterflied, with Gravy: The Easiest and Fastest,
612, 612–13
roasting, methods for, 604–5
salting versus brining, 358–60
“self-basting,” or “enhanced” label, 572
skin, preparing for cooking, 579–80
slicing against the grain, 341
temperature and time and bacterial reduction, 362
Thanksgiving, Two Ways, 617
trussing, note about, 587
“water-chilled” label, 573
wishbone, removing, 590, 590
yields from, 569
Turmeric-and-Lemongrass-Rubbed Roast Chicken, Spicy,
cooking techniques, 408
Glazed, 453

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