whole peeled, about, 694
Tongs, 67
Tools and gadgets
electric, basic starter kit, 61–64
essential hand tools, 65–72
Grilled Skirt Steak Fajitas, 349, 349–50
Transconjugated linoleic acids (CLAs), about, 287–88
Trans fats, 288, 856
about, 337
best way to cook, 331
cooking methods, 337–38, 338
flavor of, 331
Grilled, Santa Maria–Style, 347, 347
other names for, 337
raw, appearance of, 329
shopping for, 337
slicing and serving, 338
tenderness, 331
trimming, 337
where it’s cut from, 337
Tuna, preparing, for chopped salads, 835
Breast, Easy Herb-Roasted, with Stuffing; The Small-
Crowd-Pleaser, 614, 614–15, 615
breast, removing from bone, tying, and roasting, 616
brining, about, 574–79
brining experiments, 575–76
buying. for roasting, 569