The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

(Nandana) #1


There’s a   big divide  in  the world   of  scrambled   eggs    .   .   .

. . . between those who like them rich, dense, and creamy
(that’s me), and those who like them light, relatively dry,
and fluffy (that’s my wife).* This is the kind of stuff that can
really tear a home apart, so in the interest of maintaining
marital bliss, I decided that it was only right that I figured
out how to make both types of scrambled eggs so that we
could both enjoy our breakfast.
Just like with boiled eggs, cooking scrambled eggs is all
about controlling the coagulation of egg proteins, the
difference being that with scrambled eggs, not only are the
proteins in the whites and yolks mixed together, but you
also have the opportunity to mix in additional ingredients—

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