The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anxiety

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194 The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook

Exercise 1: Risk Assessment

Notice that the Risk Assessment/Risk Planning Worksheet on the next page is divided into four
columns. In column one, write down your fear, and in column two list all the evidence you have
that the fear will come true. In column three, write down all available evidence that the catastro-
phe won’t occur. Now, after reviewing evidence for and against, write your estimate of the percent-
age of chance that the catastrophe will happen.

Exercise 2: Risk Planning

In the “Risk Planning” portion of the worksheet, imagine that the catastrophe you fear has actu-
ally happened. How would you cope? Do you have resources, family, or friends to help you? Do
you have a plan for how you would do your best with the situation? What skills do you have to
get you through?
The Risk Assessment/Risk Planning Worksheet is something you may want to photocopy and
use again and again—whenever fear threatens to torpedo your relationship skills.

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