A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
deadly see the FEMALE of the species is more deadly than the male.

There’s none so DEAF as those who will not hear

Similar to there’s none so BLIND as those who will not see. Cf. mid 14th-cent. Fr. il n’est
si mavais sours que chuis ch’oër ne voeilt, there is no person so deaf as the one who does not
wish to hear.

1546 J. HEYWOOD Dialogue of Proverbs II. ix. K4 Who is so deafe, or so blynde,
as is hee, That wilfully will nother here nor see? c 1570 T. INGELEND Disobedient Child
C2V I perceyve by thys geare, That none is so deaf, as who wyll not heare. 1766 in B.
Franklin Papers (1969) XIII. 18 I have not interfered in this Trial one word, only in my
Applications to you and Mr. Foxcraft, both of which turn a deaf Ear: for none so deaf as
those who will not hear. 1993 F. SECOMBE ‘Hello, Vicar!’ in Chronicles of a Vicar
(1999) i. 8 ‘Don’t worry, Vicar. Of course you’ve got to be up at the parish church more
than here. He ought to know that but there you are, there’s none so deaf as him who won’t
listen.’ obstinacy

A DEAF husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple

1578 J. FLORIO First Fruits 26 There neuer shal be chiding in that house, where the
man is blynd, and the wife deafe. 1637 T. HEYWOOD Pleasant Dialogues VI. 334 Then
marriage may be said to be past in all quietnesse, When the wife is blind, and the husband
deafe. 1940 H. W. THOMPSON Body, Boots & Britches xix. When the wooing is o’er and
the maid wed.. the neighbours will observe.. ‘A deaf husband and a blind wife are always
a happy couple.’ 1988 Washington Times 8 July E2 Nothing brings out advice mongers
like a summer wedding. .. ‘A deaf husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple.’
harmony and disharmony; marriage

dear see EXPERIENCE keeps a dear school; GOLD may be bought too dear.

dear-bought see FAR-FETCHED and dear-bought is good for ladies.

dearest see BUY in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest.

DEATH is the great leveller
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