A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
Cf. CLAUDIAN De Raptu Proserpinae II. 302 omnia mors aequat, death levels all things.

1732 T. FULLER Gnomologia no. 1250 Death is the grand leveller. 1755 E. YOUNG
Centaur ii. Is diversion grown a leveller, like death? 1961 M. DICKENS Heart of London
I. 101 ‘All this is going to be a great leveller.’.. ‘It is death which is the great leveller.’
1973 ‘C. AIRD’ His Burial Too vi. Dr. Dabbe took a last look. .. ‘A classic case, you
might say, Sloan, of Death, the Great Leveller.’ death

DEATH pays all debts

Cf. 1597–8 SHAKESPEARE Henry IV, Pt. 1 III. ii. 157 The end of life cancels all bands

1611 SHAKESPEARE Tempest III. ii. 126 He that dies pays all debts. 1827 SCOTT
Two Drovers in Chronicles of Canongate I. xiv. ‘It must be sorely answered.’.. ‘Never
you mind that—Death pays all debts; it will pay that too.’ 1979 K. BONFIGLIONI After
You xvi. I have no particular objection to death as such; it pays all bills. 1991 G.
KEILLOR WLT: Radio Romance xli. I am not responsible anymore. Death pays all debts.
Fix the damn furnace yourself. death

death see also COWARDS die many times before their death; NOTHING is certain but
death and taxes; there is a REMEDY for everything except death.

debt see DEATH pays all debts; OUT of debt, out of danger; SPEAK not of my debts
unless you mean to pay them.

deceive see FOOL me once, shame on you..

deceptive see APPEARANCES are deceptive.

deed see the BETTER the day, the better the deed; no GOOD deed goes unpunished.

deep see STILL waters run deep.

defence see ATTACK is the best form of defence.
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