there is a REMEDY for everything except death
STONE-dead hath no fellow
finds see under gains and losses
folly see fools; stupidity
food and drink see also health; hunger
an APPLE-PIE without some cheese..
an ARMY marches on its stomach
BETTER a dinner of herbs..
a BIRD never flew on one wing
he who DRINKS beer, thinks beer
you are what you EAT
EAT to live, not live to eat ENOUGH is as good as a feast
GOD sends meat, but the Devil sends cooks
HUNGER is the best sauce
MAN cannot live by bread alone
MEAT and mass never hindered man
the WAY to a man’s heart is through his stomach
fools see also stupidity
CHILDREN and fools tell the truth
a FOOL may give a wise man counsel
FOOLS and bairns should never see half-done work
FOOLS ask questions that wise men cannot answer
FOOLS build houses and wise men live in them
FOOLS for luck
FOOLS rush in where angels fear to tread
FORTUNE favours fools
whom the GODS would destroy, they first make mad
never give a SUCKER an even break
YOUNG folks think old folks to be fools..
foresight and hindsight
FOREWARNED is forearmed
HOPE for the best and prepare for the worst
NOTHING is certain but the unforeseen
those who PLAY at bowls must look out for rubbers
PREVENTION is better than cure