as good be an ADDLED egg as an idle bird
it is as CHEAP sitting as standing
the DEVIL finds work for idle hands..
an IDLE brain is the Devil’s workshop
IDLE people have the least leisure
IDLENESS is the root of all evil
if you won’t WORK you shan’t eat
there’s none so BLIND..
when the BLIND lead the blind..
in the COUNTRY of the blind..
what the EYE doesn’t see..
the FAT man knoweth not what the lean thinketh
FOOLS rush in where angels fear to tread
the FROG in the well knows nothing of the sea
one HALF of the world does not know how the other half lives
where IGNORANCE is bliss..
IGNORANCE of the law is no excuse..
what you don’t KNOW can’t hurt you
a LITTLE knowledge is a dangerous thing
NOTHING so bold as a blind mare
a SLICE off a cut loaf isn’t missed
illusion see under reality and illusion
one PICTURE is worth ten thousand words
every PICTURE tells a story
IMITATION is the sincerest form of flattery
what MANCHESTER says today..
impatience see patience and impatience
impossibility see possibility and impossibility