A Dictionary of Proverbs (Oxford Paperback Reference)

(Marcin) #1
ENGLAND is the paradise of women..
the ENGLISH are a nation of shopkeepers
one ENGLISHMAN can beat three Frenchmen
an ENGLISHMAN’S house is his castle
an ENGLISHMAN’S word is his bond
the only GOOD Indian is a dead Indian
when GREEK meets Greek..
every LAND has its own law
a NATION without a language is a nation without a heart
SCRATCH a Russian and you find a Tartar


you can DRIVE out Nature with a pitchfork..
GOD made the country, and man made the town
NATURE abhors a vacuum
SELF-preservation is the first law of nature

nature and nurture see also human nature

an APE’S an ape, a varlet’s a varlet..
the APPLE never falls far from the tree
you can take the BOY out of the country..
as the TWIG is bent, so is the tree inclined

necessity see also pragmatism

ANY port in a storm
BEGGARS can’t be choosers
DESPERATE diseases must have desperate remedies
DIRTY water will quench fire
when all FRUIT fails, welcome haws
when all you have is a HAMMER..
HUNGER drives the wolf out of the wood
MAN’S extremity is God’s opportunity
if the MOUNTAIN will not come to Mahomet..
NECESSITY is the mother of invention
NECESSITY knows no law
NEEDS must when the Devil drives
beware of an OAK, it draws the stroke..
who SAYS A must say B
SMALL choice in rotten apples
YOUNG men may die, but old men must die
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