BETTER to wear out than to rust out
a CREAKING door hangs longest
there’s no FOOL like an old fool
when all FRUIT fails, welcome haws
the GODS send nuts to those who have no teeth
there’s many a GOOD tune played on an old fiddle
they that LIVE longest, see most
a MAN is as old as he feels..
NEVER too old to learn
OLD soldiers never die
you cannot SHIFT an old tree without it dying
you can’t TEACH an old dog new tricks
YOUNG folks think old folks to be fools..
YOUNG men may die, but old men must die
if YOUTH knew, if age could
omens see also superstition
he that FOLLOWS freits, freits will follow him
ONE for sorrow, two for mirth..
STRAWS tell which way the wind blows
one SWALLOW does not make a summer
what MANCHESTER says today..
so many MEN, so many opinions
THOUGHT is free
EAT, drink, and be merry..
ENGLAND’S difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity
all is FISH that comes to the net
all is GRIST that comes to the mill
MAN’S extremity is God’s opportunity
when ONE door shuts, another opens
OPPORTUNITY never knocks twice..
STRIKE while the iron is hot
TAKE the goods the gods provide
there is a TIME and place for
everything TIME and tide wait for no man
there is a TIME for everything
no TIME like the present
YOUTH must be served