He who CAN, does; he who cannot, teaches
There are many (frequently humorous) variations on this proverb.
1903 G. B. SHAW Maxims for Revolutionists in Man & Superman 230 He who can,
does. He who cannot, teaches. 1979 Daily Telegraph 6 Aug. 8 A version of an old adage
came to me—those who can, do, those who can’t, attend conferences. 1981 P.
SOMERVILLE-LARGE Living Dog i. He who can, does sang the train wheels, he who
cannot, teaches. 1999 ‘H. CRANE’ Miss Seeton’s Finest Hour iii. 19 ‘A teacher of art,’
she corrected him politely with a sigh. ‘Those who can,’ she explained as he seemed
about to protest her modesty, ‘do—as Mr. Shaw has so pithily expressed it. Those who
cannot..’ She sighed. ‘Teach,’ she concluded sadly. 2002 Washington Times 11 July D8
(Herb & Jamaal comic strip) ‘Rev. Croom, as a man of the cloth, do you consider
yourself an example of perfection?’ ‘No. .. I may wear this collar, but I struggle with
being a human as much as the next guy. I guess that’s what’s meant when they say..’ He
who can, does; he who cannot, preaches.’ efficiency and inefficiency; work
candle see BETTER to light one candle.. ; CANDLEMAS day, put beans in the clay, put
candles and candle-sticks away.
candlelight see never CHOOSE your women or your linen by candlelight.
If CANDLEMAS day be sunny and bright, winter will have another flight; if
Candlemas day be cloudy with rain, winter is gone, and won’t come again
In the Church calendar, the feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary and the
Presentation of Christ in the Temple falls on 2 February, which is known as Candlemas Day
because candles are blessed at church services on that festival. In North America, 2 February
is popularly known as Groundhog Day; the very similar weather prediction associated with it
arises through the notion that if the groundhog emerges from its burrow on that day into bright
sunlight and is frightened by its own shadow it will go back for a further six weeks’
hibernation. The superstition was known from at least as early as the early sixteenth century:
cf. 1523 SKELTON Works I. 418 Men were wonte for to discerne By candlemas day what
wedder shulde holde. Quot. 1584’s version of the rhyme is close to the Latin lines in quot.
1584 R. SCOT Discovery of Witchcraft XI. XV. If Maries purifieng daie, Be cleare
and bright with sunnie raie, The frost and cold shalbe much more, After the feast than
was before. 1678 J. RAY English Proverbs (ed. 2) 51 If Candlemas day be fair and bright