Restinga Paralela = Parallel Restinga

(Vicente Mussi-Dias) #1

Perhaps one of the most difficult at-
titude at the present is the possibility
to “give voice to the other”, in order to al-
low diversity to manifest and to be respect-
ed. In today’s world there is a short - term view
on situations, values and people's feelings and
it seems that one only sees and admits the exis-
tence of life in the event of a very high resemblance to
oneself, in such a way that it seems that ”sticking point”
is the only way to admit that the other exists, as a mere
shadow of oneself.

In this context, concepts such as values, beauty and natural her-
itage are very relative. Why struggle for the preservation of natural
heritage on a planet as unequal as ours? Does this struggle make sense
for the humanity that degrades everything wherever it goes, with the sole
aim of accumulating more?

The answer to this question is yes! It is worth giving voice to the preservationist
minorites because it is from them that the new can emerge, it is there that we can
spot values almost forgotten, unique jewels very well hidden.

In Parallel Restinga it is possible to observe exactly those others, little seen or nearly close
to be forgotten: the beautiful rivers now transformed into lagoons with less fish, the bars of
the rivers clogged as a consequence of wrong human interference, the crabs that are disappear-
ing gradually, the muxuango of the restinga that almost nobody knows... Those are present in this
book, which opens space for the registry of the northern Fluminense restingas and their occupation,
from the sixteenth century to the present days. This book is a contribution to give voice to the restinga.

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