Restinga Paralela = Parallel Restinga

(Vicente Mussi-Dias) #1

The authors would like to thank God for the accomplishment of this project and all those who contributed to make this
dream come true, among them:

The Forestry Engineer Daniel Ferreira Nascimento and João Vitor Rodrigues Gomes, administrator of the Forestry
Nursery of the Prumo Logistica S.A., for supporting us during the collection of plant material for the isolation of endophytic
fungi; the biologistTatiane Pereira de Souza for the identification of some of the plants;

We also would like to thank the Coordinator of the Jurubatiba Restinga National Park (Jurubatiba PARNA), Marcelo
Pessanha, for authorizing the visit to the Park in order to collect plant species; To the Coordinator of Lagoa do Açu State
Park (PELAG), Heron Zanellato, for kindly providing the pictures of their working activities; To the Coordinator of Barreto
Municipal Park, Henrique Abrahão, for the kindly reception and accompanying us in our visit through the Park;

Juliana Maciel de Aguiar and Elisabeth de Aguiar Corrêa for presenting us the Chapéu de Sol restinga;

The ISECENSA Administration office, represented by the President Sister Rosa Idália Pesca, the Provost of ISE-
CENSA Sister Suraya Benjamin Chaloub (in memoriam) and the Vice-Provost Mrs. Elizabeth Landim Gomes Siqueira, for
providing the conditions to carry out the researches at the Research and Graduate Center (CPPG), more precisely in the
Laboratory of Chemistry and Biomolecules (LAQUIBIO), that supported the creation of part of this book. To the current and
former collaborators of this laboratory (Luana Pinto de Souza Tavares, Glória Andréia Ferreira Hernandez, Hugo da Silva
Coutinho, Sabrina de Souza Carvalho, Tainná Gomes Pessanha Imbeloni and Carolina de Fátima Rabello de Abreu Cabral)
and to the Graduate and Extension Office (Viviane de Azevedo Tavares, Rafaela da Silva Barbosa, Rayane da Silva Ribeiroe
and Adriana Cabral Rodrigues de Souza) for actively working to make the dream of this research come true;

All the staff who relentlessly worked for the implementation of this book.

Finally, everyone who kindly replied the interviews that enriched this work.

The Authors
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