A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1
582–583, 789; black
protest 488–490, 578–582;
anti-poverty programmes
582–583, 789; anti-drug
campaign 681; economy
789, 794, 795, 815–817,
820–821, 824
United States of Europe, idea of
Uno, Sousuke 652
Uruguay 698–699
US-Japanese Mutual Security
Treaty (1960) 647, 651

V-I and V-2 weapons 277, 289,
Vajpayee, Atal Behari 643, 948
Vance, Cyrus 795, 919
Vandenberg, Arthur 365, 375
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo 141
Vargas, Getúlio 699–700
Venezia Giulia 348
Venezuela 703–705, 949
Verdun 99
Versailles Conference 114, 117–126
Versailles Treaty (1919) 117–126,
142, 204, 206
Verwoerd, Dr Henrik 764, 766
Victor Emmanuel III of Italy 31,
147, 346
Vietcong 558, 562, 584, 603,
Vietminh 558, 560, 604, 605
Vietnam: division of 557, 558;
one-party communist rule 606;
population 600
Vietnam war 583–586, 601–606
Villa, Pancho 715
Viviani, René 97
Vlasov, General Andrei 283
Vogel, Hans-Jochen 836
Voroshilov, Marshal 472
Vorster, B. J. 764
Vucovar 919

Wa∏e ̧ sa, Lech 780, 891–892
Wall Street crash (1929) 153
Wallace, Henry 140
Walls, Peter 759
Walters, Sir Alan 876
Wannsee Conference (1942) 267
Warsaw: 1943 ghetto rising 268;
1944 Polish rising 271, 289
Warsaw Pact 477, 479, 480, 779,
797, 887
Washington Conference (1921–2)
84–85, 141–142, 195, 196

Watergate scandal (1974)
Wavell, Field-Marshal Lord 252,
Weimar Constitution 129
Weizmann, Chaim 109, 433, 456
Wen Ziabao 627
West Bank 457, 459, 905, 907,
909, 916, 936–937; and West
Bank wall 936
West Berlin 371–374, 513, 566
West European Defence
Community, idea of 509
West European Union 509
West Germany – seeGerman
Federal Republic
West Irian 385
West Pakistan 634
Western New Guinea 595
Westmoreland, General William
Weygand General Maxime 246
White Rose 270
Whitewater 825
Whitlam, Gough 670, 672
Wilhelm II, Kaiser 20, 21; and
First World War 56, 92;
abdication 115, 127
Wilson, Charles E. 487
Wilson, Harold 540, 757,
850–852, 853
Wilson, Woodrow: and First
World War 94–95, 110–111;
Fourteen Points 112, 114; and
peace conference 114–118; and
League of Nations 124–126;
and Mexico 715
Witte, Sergei 42, 44
Wolwowitz, Paul 928
World Bank 332, 445, 745
World Trade Centre destruction
World Trade Organisation 332,
823, 877, 944, 945
Wyszynski, Cardinal Stefan 477

Xian 201

Yahya Khan 631
Yalta Conference (1944) 285,
292–293, 320
Yamagata Aritomu 81
Yamamoto, Admiral 262, 286
Yanayev, Gennadi 806
Yazov, Dimitri 806, 807
Yeltsin, Boris 800, 802, 803–806,
807, 810–812; and August

1991 coup 806–807; and break-
up of Soviet Union 807–808;
and Yugoslavia 922, 925; and
NATO 955
Yemen 454
Yom Kippur War (1973) 908
Yoruba people 734
Yoshida, Shigera 361–362,
Young Plan 184, 188
Young Turks 52
Ypres 91
Yuan Shikai 76
Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang 596,
Yugoslavia 122–123, 475; in
Second World War 254, 270,
291; communist control
325–326, 474; post-war gains
348; break from Russian control
475; break-up and conflict
Yussin, Ahmed 937

Zaghlul, Sa’ad 423
Zaire (formerly Congo, q.v.)
Zambia 539
Zanzibar (now Tanzania q.v.)
Zapata, Emiliano 715
Zapatero, José Luis Rodriguez
Zemin, Jiang 946
Zhang Xueliang (the Young
Marshal) 201
Zhao Ziyang 619, 622, 623
Zhdanov, Andrei 369
Zhelev, Zheliu 898
Zhivkov, Todor 898
Zhou Enlai 78, 388, 411, 614,
Zhu Rongji 627
Zhukov, Marshal Georgi 180, 282,
Zia-ul-Haq, General 630,
Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia q.v.)
741, 759–760, 949
Zimbabwe African National Union
(ZANU) 756–758, 949
Zimbabwe African People’s Union
(ZAPU) 756–758
Zimmermann telegram (1917)
Zinoviev, Grigori 170, 172
Zog, King of Albania 470


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