Ceylon (now Sri Lanka, q.v.) 10,
Chaban-Delmas, Jacques
Chad 753
Chamberlain, Austen 131
Chamberlain, Joseph 36, 81
Chamberlain, Neville 161–162,
209; appeasement policy
220–223, 227–230; warnings to
Hitler 230; and Munich
231–233; attempt at defensive
alliance 233, 234–238;
declaration of war 238; and
Second World War 243–244;
fall of 244
Chambers, Whittaker 413
Chamorro, Violeta 712
Chappaquiddick 791
Charles Emperor of Austria 92
Charter 77 group 690, 691
Chàvez, Hugo 704–705, 949
Chen, Shui-bian, 945
Chechnya 812, 951
Cheney, Dick 928
Chernenko, Konstantin 788
Chernobyl 800
Chiang Ching-Kuo 656
Chiang Kai-shek 77–79, 194–195,
198–201; resistance to Japan
258, 286–287; vision of unified
China 194–195, 200–201;
American support 357–358;
mistakes of 401; defeat in civil
war 401; on Taiwan 398,
406–407; offers troops in
Korean war 409
Chifley, Ben 665, 668–669
Chile 689–695, 949; economy
689–690, 693–694;
‘disappearances’ 693; population
683; political divisions 690–692;
American intervention 692;
military regime 692–3
Chi-minh, Ho 385–388, 558–559,
Chiluba, Frederick 762
China: special relationship with
America 4, 85; Western
domination 6, 73–74; civil war
and communist victory 401;
disintegration 12; revolution
(1911) 73, 75, 76; warlords 76;
Japanese demands on 77; new
national movement 77; war with
Japan 273; Japanese
predominance over 195, 199,
256–262; American policy on
195–196, 197; Long March
77–78; communist regime 358,
606–628; American aid to 357;
end of civil war 401; and
Vietnam 388–389, 601, 606;
and Russia 412, 612, 618;
modernisation 617; and Korea
411, 490, 600; nuclear missiles
618; as only Asian great power
continuous revolution 607;
terror 607, 608, 614;
redistribution of land 608;
People’s Democratic
Dictatorship 608; foreign policy
609, 612; Great Leap Forward
610; collectivisation 609;
economy 614, 620–621,
624–625; purge of intellectuals
616; Cultural Revolution
612–613, 618; and India 612;
improved relations with America
618–619; better relations 622;
on UN Security Council 619;
political reforms 75, 620, 621;
student unrest 616, 621–624;
and Taiwan 627; and Hong
Kong and Singapore 620–621,
624–626, 656; and reform
620–621; and economy 944,
Ch’ing dynasty 74
Chirac, Jacques 866, 873, 931, 951
Chissano, Joaquim 774
Chitepo, Herbert 755
Chou En-Lai – seeZhou Enlai
Chrétien, Jean 948
Churchill, Winston: and First
World War 91; political isolation
161–162; and German
rearmament 206; at Admiralty
243; as wartime leader 244,
246, 278–279, 284, 285, 288;
opposes peace negotiations 244,
247–249; and American aid
252; and deterrence of Japan
259; and ‘unconditional
surrender’ 287; attitude to De
Gaulle 291; and post-war
frontiers 291–304; at Yalta
292–296; on ‘iron curtain’ 334;
at Potsdam 299–302; and use of
atomic bomb 305; and
European federation 518; last
administration 536–537;
retirement 445
Clark, Helen 678
Clay, General Lucius 363
Clemenceau, Georges 111, 114,
117, 118
Clifford, Clark 585
Clinton, Hillary 822
Clinton, William Jefferson (‘Bill’)
822; and domestic policies 822,
823, 824, 825; and foreign
policies 822–824, 826
Cohn-Bendit, Danny 533
Cold War 319, 473; beginning of
373–4; waging of 490–500,
599; end of 600, 897–898
Collins, Canon John 541
Colombia 681, 683, 686
Colombo Plan 594
Comecon 477
Cominform 369
Comintern 133, 158, 172
Commissariat Général du Plan
Common Agricultural Policy
(CAP) 875
Common Market – seeEuropean
Economic Community
Commonwealth 546, 635, 735,
Commonwealth Immigrants Act
(1962) 541
Congo (Zaire) 738–741, 944
Constantine II of Greece 878
Constantinescu, Emil 897–898
‘Contadora’ peace initiative
(1987) 712
Contras 712
Convention of Human Rights
(1950) 519
Coolidge, Calvin 141
Coral Sea, battle of (1942) 286
Corfu 150
Costa Rica 707–708
Coty, François 157, 526
Coty, René 526
Council of Europe 518, 520
Council of Foreign Ministers
Council of West European Union
Couve de Murville, Maurice 529
Craxi, Bettino 845–846
Cresson, Edith 870
Crete 252
Cripps, Sir Stafford 286, 334, 394,
Cristiani, Alfredo 710
Croatia 918–925
Crowe, Sir Eyre 40