resistance 270; atomic
research 277;
‘unconditional surrender’
287; V-I and V-2 offensive
277; Morgenthau Plan 312;
surrender 298
post-war 301, 309, 372–373
division 363; war casualties
275; Allied treatment of
311, 312, 337, 372;
refugees 310–311;
economic policies 313; war
criminals 314; re-education
315; political process
316–318; see alsoGerman
Federal Republic
Ghana (formerly Gold Coast q.v.)
Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorge 895,
Giap, General Vo Nguyen 387
Gibraltar 247, 879
Giolitti, Giovanni 28, 30, 145–146
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry 530,
Gladio, 844–845
Glubb Pasha 445
Goa 638
Goebbels, Joseph 191, 210, 222,
280–281, 298
Goh Chok Tong 657
Golan Heights 459, 916
Gold Coast (now Ghana, q.v.)
Goldwater, Barry 582
Gómez, Juan Vicente 703
Gompers, Samuel 68
Gomulka, Wladyslaw 320, 369,
González, Felipe 880
Gorbachev, Mikhail 264, 788,
808–810, 889; reforms
797–806; foreign policy 622,
797, 804; economic policies
801, 805; state and party
structures 798–806; opposition
to 801; nuclear missile
agreement 801; fall from power
806, 808; and German
unification 264, 265, 901–902
Gore, Al 825–827
Göring, Hermann 190, 222, 232,
246, 298
Gort, Lord 246, 249
Gorton, John 669
Gottwald, Klement 326, 370–371
Goulart, Joa ̄o 700
Government of India Act (1935)
Gowan, Yakubu 733–734
Gracey, General Douglas 387
Gramm, Phil 816
Great War – seeFirst World War
Greece: and Balkan wars 46–47;
and First World War 94; Turkish
defeat of 124; and Second
World War 252; civil war 291,
336, 365; British and American
support for 336, 365;
communist threat to 365; rivalry
with Turkey 878; military rule
878; and EC 877, 879; and
Cyprus 537–538
‘green revolution’ 633
Greenpeace 677
Greenwood, Arthur 247
Grenada 713, 856
Grey, Sir Edward 57
Grivas, Georgios 538
Groener, General Wilhelm 128
Gromyko, Andrei 569
Grósz, Károly 893
Guadalcanal 286
Guarantee, Treaty of (1919) 118,
Guatemala 492–493, 707–708;
repression 709; ‘disappearances’
709; population 707
Guernica 219
Guevara, Che 493
Guillaume, Günter 833
Guinea 728
Gulag Archipelago 320–321
Gulf War (first) 903–916
Gulf War (second) 924–934
Gusmáo, José 596
Habibie, B. J. 596
Habsburg Empire 47; closing
decades of 48; see alsoAustria-
Hacha, Emil 232
Haddad, Saad 905
Haganah 433, 435–437
Hague Congress (1948) 518, 521
Haig, Alexander 697
Haig, Douglas 98, 111
Haile, Selassie 252, 748–750
Haiti 949
Haldane, Richard, Viscount 38
Halder, General Franz 231
Halifax, Lord 227, 229, 247–249
Hallstein Doctine 834
Hamaguchi Osaki 199
Hamas 911, 916, 936–937
Hammarskjöld, Dag 740
Hansson, Per Albin 163
Hardie, Keir 35
Harding, Warren G. 140
Harriman, Averell 299
Hart, Robert 74
Hashimoto, Ryutaro 655
Hatoyama, Ichiro 648
Hatta, Mohammed 383
Hauptmann, Gerhart 191
Hausa-Fulani people 733
Havel, Václav 894–895
Hawke, Robert 671
Hay–Pauncefote Treaty (1901) 70
Haya de la Torre, Victor Raúl 687
Hayek, Friedrich von 694
Hayoto Ikeda 648, 650
Heath, Edward 852–853
Heidegger, Martin 191
Helsinki Agreement (1975) 779,
Henderson, Nevile 236–237
Henlein, Konrad 231
Herter, Christian 499
Hertzog, General James 764
Heseltine, Michael 858
Hess, Rudolf 222
Heuss, Theodor 373
Heydrich, Reinhard 267
Himmler, Heinrich 192, 222, 265,
283, 298
Hindenburg, Field-Marshal Paul
von 89, 92, 112, 115; President
128, 181, 184, 189; appoints
Hitler chancellor 188; death
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan 85,
359, 362
Hiroshima 274, 304
Hiss, Alger 413
Hitler, Adolf 131, 156, 186–193;
ideology of race 204, 226,
280–281; and Vatican 191;
reduction of unemployment
193; chancellor 188; rise to
power 186–189; obsession with
Lebensraum226; anti-Semitism
222–225; establishes totalitarian
regime 191–193; murder of SA
leaders 192; as Führer 188; aim
of world domination 204; and
rearmament 204, 206; foreign
policy 204–207, 212; deceptive
speeches 205; pact with Poland
207; relations with Mussolini
208; Western attitude to