negotiations with Egypt 462,
906–907; air strike against Iraq’s
nuclear facility 908; and Gulf
War 911; and PLO 908–911,
Italy 27–28, 29; and First World
War 96, 99, 112, 123;
parliamentary system 28;
emigration from 28;
industrialisation 29; population
29; pre-1914 political life 31;
war with Turkey 32; imperialism
31, 211–212; dissatisfaction
with Versailles 123; rise of
fascism 143; parliamentary
‘reform’ 148–149; totalitarian
regime 150; and Catholic
Church 149–150, 347, 550,
552, 843; and corporate state
150; invasion of Abyssinia
211–212, 223; and Spanish Civil
War 217; Pact of Steel with
Germany 234; as possible
mediator in Second World War
247; enters war 250, 258; pact
with Germany and Japan 260;
protection of Jews 269; war
casualties 275; surrender 288,
290; peace settlement 346,
348–349; post-war problems
345–349; communists in
547–549; anti-fascist coalition
547; reconstruction 348–349;
loss of colonies 349; and NATO
374, 497, 549; democracy in
547–550, 846; and EEC 553,
846, 876; American aid 549;
foreign policy 550; political
conflict 550–552; reforms 551,
847; economy 552–553, 845;
unrest 843; terrorism 844, 846;
corruption 844–848; and ERM
846; and monetary union 847
Ito Hirobumi 81
Ivory Coast 727
Izetbegovic, Alija 920
Izvolski, Alexander 47
Jackson Jesse 820
Jakesˇ, Milos 690, 691
Japan: alliance with Britain 6, 195;
growing power 12; war with
Russia 43, 82–83, 195; demands
on China 83–84, 96, 258; and
Manchuria 84, 195, 197,
199–200; opening to West
80–82, 258; emergence as world
power 81–82; government
system 81–82; position of
Emperor 83; Meiji Restoration
80–81; war with China 1,
81–82, 198–200, 202–203,
255–262; and First World War
83–84, 124; Taisho era 84;
post-war unrest 84; naval
limitation 84, 141–142, 195,
196; predominance over China
195, 255; withdrawal from
Siberia and China 200; political
disintegration 198–199; co-
prosperity sphere 258, 261,
271–273; leaves League 202;
army revolt 199; pacts with
Germany and Italy 258; attitude
to America 258–262;
countdown to war 261–262;
attack on Pearl Harbor 262;
Pacific War 271–274; atomic
bombing of 304; surrender 305;
American occupation 359–362,
644; constitutional reforms 360;
in Malaya and Indonesia 381,
383; in Vietnam 386; and Korea
361, 406; bureaucracy 644;
financial institutions 645;
student protest 646;
rehabilitation 647; peace treaty
647; relationship with America
647–648, 655–656; foreign
policy 648, 651, 652, 656;
economy 361, 645–646,
649–650, 654; corruption 651,
652–653; politics 645,
650–651, 653, 654, 946
Jarrow hunger marchers 160
Jaruzelski, General 781, 890–891
Jewish National Home 109, 427,
428, 429
Jiang Quing 612–613, 619
Jiang Zemin 627
Jiménez, Carlos Pérez 704
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 394,
395–396, 630
Jintao Hu 946
Joffre, General Joseph 89, 98
John XXIII, Pope 552
John Paul I, Pope 683
John Paul II, Pope 685, 728, 780,
889, 957
Johnson, Lyndon B. 560, 562,
577; and Vietnam 583–586; and
civil rights 578, 581; Great
Society programme 582–583,
789, 792
Jordan 439, 942; Israeli raids on
444, 447; Egyptian pressure on
446, 457; defensive alliance with
Britain against Israel 448; and
Six-Day War 457–459
Joseph, Sir keith 854
Jospin, Lionel 871–872
Juan Carlos I of Spain 879
Jung, Kim Dae 662
Jutland, battle of (1916) 112
Kabila, Laurent 741
Kádár, János 479–480, 893
Kadet party, Russia
Kaganovich, I. M. 472
Kaifu, Toshiki 652–653
Kamenev, Lev 170
Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia,
q.v.) 599–600
Kanemaru, Shin 653
Kapp, Wolfgang 130
Karadzˇic ́, Radovan 920
Karamanlis, Constantine 878
Karamanlis, Costas 879
Karzai, Hamid 930, 948
Kasavubu, Joseph 739
Kashmir 397, 631, 637, 638, 641,
Kassem, General Abdel 455
Katanga 739–740
Katyn 264, 284
Kaunda, Kenneth 756, 757
Keating, Paul 672
Kemal Ataturk 124, 420–421
Kennan, George 362, 363–364
Kennedy, Edward 693
Kennedy, John F. 561; electoral
theme 560; domestic policies
561; and civil rights 560,
579–580; and threat of
communism 561; and Vietnam
562–564; and Bay of Pigs
disaster 564–565; meeting with
Khrushchev 483; and missile
crisis 567–574; assassination
577; Alliance for Progress 565,
681, 690, 706
Kennedy, Robert 569, 570, 572,
580; assassination 585
Kent State University 791
Kenya 539, 745–747
Kenyatta, Jomo 746–747
Kerensky, Alexander 105, 108,
112, 121
Kerr, Sir John 670
Keynes, John Maynard 120, 160,
164, 333