A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Khan, Ayub, 633
Khan, Reza 425
Khasbulatov, Ruslan 810
Khatami, Muhammad 939
Khmer Rouge 589, 600, 589,
Khomeini, Ayatollah 421, 463,
465–466, 911, 912, 913
Khrushchev, Nikita: criticism of
Stalin 179, 320; arms deal with
Nasser 445; economic policies
472–473, 474; internal power
struggle 472, 475, 575; foreign
travels 475; ‘secret speech’ 476;
foreign policy 475, 476,
478–480, 483–485, 561,
568–573; fall of 481;
dismantling of terror regime
481; decentralisation 482; and
Cuba crisis 484, 568–573; and
German question 499–500, 565;
and U-2 incident 499; and Third
World 566; support for ‘national
liberation’ struggles 561, 583;
meeting with Kennedy 483;
breach with Mao 618
Kibaki, Mwai 747
Kiesinger, Kurt Georg 513
Kikuyu 746
Kim Dae-Jung 659, 662
Kim Il Sung 406, 408, 658, 659
Kim, Jong Il (dear leader) 661,
Kim Young 661, 662
King, Mackenzie 375
King, Martin Luther 490,
Kinnock, Neil 859, 860
Kirchener, Néstar 949
Kirov, Sergei 176
Kishi, Nobusuke 651
Kissinger, Henry 585; working for
Arab-Israeli peace 461–462,
793, 905; and Vietnam 605;
détente with China and Soviet
618–619, 792; as national
security 792; secretary of state
793; and ‘shuttle diplomacy’
793, 905; and Chile 690–691
Kitchener, Lord 91
Klaus, Vaclav 691
Knowland, William 487
Kohl, Helmut 835–839, 841, 901,
Koizumi, Junishiro 655–656, 946
Kolchak, Admiral Aleksandr
Vasilievich 122

Konoe, Prince Fumimaro 255,
258, 261
Korea 405; American and Russian
occupation 406; partition 407;
idea of reunification 659; see also
North Korea; South Korea
Korean War 408–413, 491
Kornilov, General Lavr G. 105
Kosovo 863
Kosygin, Alexei 632, 784
Krenz, Egon 901
Krim, Belkachem 525
‘Kristallnacht’ 225
Kronstadt 106; mutiny (1921) 170
Krupp, Alfried 309
Kryuchkov, Vladimir 806
Krzaklewski, Marian 892–893
Kubitschek, Juscelino 700–701
Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist
Party) 75–77
Kurds 418, 421, 915
Kuron ́ , Jacek 780
Kursk 289
Kuwait 462; Iraqi invasion 821;
and Gulf War 821, 913–916
Kwasniewski, Aleksander 892
Kyi, Aung Suu 593
Kyoto Treaty 929, 948

Laden, Osama bin 929, 930
Lambsdorff, Count Otto 836
Lamont, Norman 859
Lancaster House Conference
(1979) 758
Land Apportionment Act (1931)
Landsbergis, Vytautas 806
Lange, David 677
Lansdale, General Edward 568
Lansing, Robert 110
Laos 491, 557, 558–559, 563;
population 600
Lateran Accords 149
Lattre de Tassigny, General Jean
de 388
Latvia 121, 293, 320;
independence movement 801,
802, 804, 821; and European
Union 952
Lausanne Treaty (1923) 124, 421
Laval, Pierre 208, 211, 339
Law, Andrew Bonar 134
Lawson, Nigel 857
Le Duc Tho 790
Le Pen, Jean-Marie 868, 869
League of Nations 110;
establishment of 124; American

repudiation of 124–125;
German admission to 132;
Italian defiance of 150; Russia
joins 179; failure with
Manchuria 195, 202; Japan
leaves 202; Germany leaves 207;
and sanctions 207; and Africa
Lebanon 279, 419; France and
426; and Second World War
426; and Arab-Israeli war
435–437; civil war 439, 904,
905; Israeli invasion 905, 908;
American intervention 498, 818;
terrorism 904
Lebrun, Albert 157
Lee Kuan Yew 567, 597, 657–658
Lee Teng-hui 628, 656
Lend-lease 252, 278, 328
Lenin, V. I. 100–103, 105, 108,
121; return from exile 106; and
October Revolution 106; and
peace with Germans 108; use of
terror 169; pressure of peasants
169; insistence on one-party
state 170; New Economic Policy
170; his treatment 171
Leningrad siege of (1941–44)
Leo XIII, Pope 30
Leopold, King of the Belgians
Lesotho 764
Lewinsky, Monica 825
Lewis, John L. 354
Leyte Gulf, battle of (1944) 303
Li Peng 622, 623
Liberation theology 683–684
Liberia 735–737
Libya 278, 420, 942; oil 752–753;
independence 749; as Arab
welfare state 753; support for
terrorists 753; American attack
on 749
Lichtenstein 876
Lidice 271
Liebknecht, Karl 116, 128
Ligachev, Yegor 800, 802, 803
Lin Biao 611, 617
Lithuania 121, 293, 320;
independence movement 801,
802, 804, 821; and European
Union 952
Little Rock 489
Litvinov, Maxim 179
Liu Shaoqui 608, 609, 611, 613,

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