Lloyd, Selwyn 447, 448
Lloyd George, David 4; and First
World War 91, 112; and peace
114, 117, 120, 134, 160; and
Ireland 134–135
Locarno Treaties (1925) 131,
138–139; repudiated by Hitler
Lodge, Henry Cabot 69, 604
Lon Nol 599
London, Treaty of (1915) 96
London Conference: (1948) 369;
(1954) 543; (1956) 447
London Foreign Ministers’
Conference (1947) 369; (1954)
Long March 77–78, 200
Lübke, Heinrich 317
Ludendorff, General Erich von 89,
92, 112–113, 114, 187
Lueger, Karl 49
Lugard, Frederick 729
Lumumba, Patrice 739–740
Lusitania, s.s. 93
Lüttwitz, General Wather Freiherr
von 130
Luxembourg 246; in Benelux 371;
in NATO 374; in EC 521
Luxembourg Compromise (1966)
Luxemburg, Rosa 116, 128
Lytton, Lord 202
Maastricht Treaty (1992) 877
MacArthur, General Douglas 285,
303, 380, 387; occupation of
Japan 359–362; and Korean
War 409–411
McCarthy, Eugene 585
McCarthy, Joseph 413–414, 404,
MacDonald, Ramsay 160, 161,
209, 211
Macedonia 925
Machel, Samora 774
Maclean, Donald 413
McMahon, William 669
Macmillan, Harold 446, 451–452;
housing success 537; as prime
minister 537, 543–546; and
decolonisation 539–540, 546,
756; ‘never had it so good’ 542;
as world statesman 574–575;
‘wind of change’ 539, 756;
illness and resignation 546
McNamara, Robert 562, 563, 568,
574, 583
MAD (mutual assured destruction)
574, 783, 795
Maginot line 206, 245
Mahan, Captain A. T. 713
Mahathir Mohamad 598, 947
Maier, Reinhold 317
Maizière, Lothar de 902
Major, John 858, 859–861
Makarios, Archbishop 539
Malan, Daniel F. 764
Malawi 539, 760–761
Malaya 285, 380–383, 594; after
independence 383, 539,
597–598; Japanese attack on
Malaysia 597–598, 947
Malcolm X 581
Malenkov, Georgi 472–473
Maleter, Pal 480
Mali 729
Malta 248, 450; and European
Union 952
Malthus, Thomas 11
Manchuria 195, 197, 199–200;
Japanese occupation 84, 195,
197, 199–200, 273; Russian
predominance 304, 402–403;
Red Army leaves 358
Mandela, Nelson 766, 767,
Mann, Thomas 191
Manning, Preston 828
Mao Zedong 77, 358, 398, 607,
616; rebuilding of communist
movement 399–401, 608;
victory in civil war 401–404;
transformation of China
401–402; relationship with
Russia 402–403, 609, 612;
expulsion of Western capitalists
404; claim to Taiwan 610; and
Korean War 404, 411, 600;
assault on offshore islands 498;
use of terror 607, 608,
614–615; redistribution of land
608; collectivisation 609; Great
Leap Forward 610; Little Red
Book 611; breach with
Khrushchev 612; Cultural
Revolution 612–613; last years
of autocrat 617; attempt to curb
army 613; change in foreign
policy 618–619
Maoris 674–675
Marchais, Georges 867
Marco Polo Bridge 256
Marne, battle of (1914) 91
Marshall, General George 357,
362, 365–368
Marshall Aid 337, 348, 367–368,
Martin, Paul 948
Martinez, Tomás Borge 712
Masaryk, Jan 326, 370
Massu, General Jacques 526
Masurian Lakes, battle of (1914)
Matsu 398, 492
Matsuoka, Yosuke 196, 255–256,
Matteotti, Giacomo 148
Mau Mau 539, 746–747
Maudling, Reginald 546
Mauritania 728
Mauroy Pierre 867
May the Fourth Movement
Mazowiecki, Tadeusz 891, 892
Mbeki, Thabo 772, 949
Mboya, Tom 746
Mecˇiar, Vladimír 894, 895
Medellin 682, 683
Meech Lake Accord (1987) 827
Megawati, Sukarnoputri 596
Meiji Restoration (1868) 80
Meir, Golda 448, 456, 905
Mella, Fernando Collor de 701
Mellon, Andrew 140
Memel 234
Menderes, Adnan 882
Mendes-France, Pierre 524, 525
Menem, Carlos Saul 698
Mengistu, Haile 749
Menzies, Robert 669
Mercosur 702
Mers-el-Kebir 251
Mesopotamia 96
Messina Conference (1955) 521
Messmer, Pierre 865
Mexico 948; population 685;
revolution and after 719–720,
948; and NAFTA 823
Michael, King of Romania 323
Midway Island 296
Mihailovic, Draza 270
Miki, Takeo 651
Mikoyan, Anastas 472, 569
Mikolajczyk, Stanislav 322
Millerand, Alexandre 139
Milosˇevic ́, Slobodan 899,
920–921, 923, 924, 925–926
missile crisis (Cuba, 1962)
Mitsotakis, Konstantinos 878