Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1


Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 199


  1. After turning sideways, keep the legs poker stiff by tightening the
    hamstring muscles, knees and calves.

3· Spread the legs still wider and stay in that position from 20 to 30
seconds trying to breathe normally.
4· Exhale, come to the straight Salamba Si'r�asana I. Now, move the left
leg forward and the right leg back, twist the spine to the right so that
the legs move sideways anti-clockwise through 90 degrees. (Front view:
Plate 206. Back view: Plate 207.) Stay in. that position for the same length
of time. Exhale and return to Salamba Si'rsasana • I.

This asana develops the leg muscles and tones the kidneys, bladder,
prostate and intestines.

  1. Ek a Pada StrfO.Sana Eleven* (Plates 208 and 209)
    Eka means one. Pada is the leg. This variation of Si'r�asana is done by
    lowering one leg to the floor in front of the head, holding the other leg
    up vertically.

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